Pro Life Question

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Does anybody know the definition of Pro Life? It means more than just being anti-abortion, correct? Some people think they are Pro Life just because theu oppose abortion. But I beleive Pro Life also encompases being against the death penalty, unjust war, and contraception. I am not sure if that is it. But if that is the case then George Bush is not Pro Life because of the death penalty issue. He is just anti abortion. Does anybody have any more info concerning what all encompases being totally Pro Life. Thanks.
Does anybody know the definition of Pro Life? It means more than just being anti-abortion, correct? Some people think they are Pro Life just because theu oppose abortion. But I beleive Pro Life also encompases being against the death penalty, unjust war, and contraception. I am not sure if that is it. But if that is the case then George Bush is not Pro Life because of the death penalty issue. He is just anti abortion. Does anybody have any more info concerning what all encompases being totally Pro Life. Thanks.
The Catholic Church teaches that to be pro life we must recognize the value of human life from the first moment of conception all the way to natural death.

The Church also teaches that the death penalty is not necessarily wrong, although our current Pope has opined that it is less necessary than it is being currently used. The death penalty, when used properly, is actually supportive of a pro life position (self defense from violent criminals…save innocent lives). It can be abused though.

George bush is only partially pro life. I say ‘partially’, not because of his support of the death penalty, but rather his stated views that abortion is allowable in cases of rape and other unusual instances. He is however, more outspoken on life issues and therefore gets better grades as a pro lifer than other politicians.

The Catholic Church teaches that to be pro life we must recognize the value of human life from the first moment of conception all the way to natural death.

The Church also teaches that the death penalty is not necessarily wrong, although our current Pope has opined that it is less necessary than it is being currently used. The death penalty, when used properly, is actually supportive of a pro life position (self defense from violent criminals…save innocent lives). It can be abused though.

George bush is only partially pro life. I say ‘partially’, not because of his support of the death penalty, but rather his stated views that abortion is allowable in cases of rape and other unusual instances. He is however, more outspoken on life issues and therefore gets better grades as a pro lifer than other politicians.

Thanks, that answers my question. Thanks alot.
To be pro-life from the Catholic moral position is to uphold the dignity of life from conception to natural death, with all that implies, in one’s personal conduct, in teaching those you are resonsible for, and if necessary in political and social contexts.

To be pro-life from a constitutional standpoint means defending the clear language of the Constitution and the Declaration, that the right to life is granted by the Creator and cannot be denied or abrogated by any action of the government. Bush is not Catholic so he cannot be held to Catholic moral teaching. His resposibility to the tenets of his own faith (he is a Methodist and they have to authoritative stand that governs all Methodists) is not our business.

It is definitely our business as citizens to insist that all who exercise political office and authority abide by their oath to uphold and defend the constitution. When they fail, as the supreme court did with Roe v Wade and subsequent decisions, as federal judges are doing in going being their roles as judges to making law in defiance of state legislatures, or when legislators propose laws that deny the fundamental rights guaranteed (not granted, guaranteed) by the constitution, we as citizens must call them on it and vote and lobby accordingly.
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