Pro-lifer to head family-planning office

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Contraception, abortion foe to head family-planning office

** POSTED: 1:09 p.m. EST, November 17, 2006 **

WASHINGTON (AP) – The Bush administration, to the consternation of its critics, has picked the medical director of an organization that opposes premarital sex, contraception and abortion to lead the office that oversees federally funded teen pregnancy, family planning and abstinence programs.

Hopefully he’ll do something for us.

Check out the quote from Planned Parenthood. :rolleyes:
I think Lucif…I mean Cecile Richards meant to say “Bush administration’s policies is out of step in OUR agenda which is to eliminate the poor, destroy the disabled and create a race of white supremists that embrace 'alternative lifestyles” at the age of 12."

Of course if she actually said that, then everyone would know what Banned Parenthood’s real agenda was. And we know its NOT to reduce abortions, its to get more teens sexually active with lots of partners, and eventually sterilize all women so the population deterioriates drastically.
Henry Waxman (D-CA), who as chairman of Government Reform will be one of the most powerful representatives in Congress, has already called for his outster. So has Louise Slaughter (D-NY) and several other Democrats.
Luckily they have no say - this position does not require a senate confirmation, THANK GOD!

This man has worked with women and young girls in crisis pregnancies. He’s a doctor and obviously knows the the effects of promiscuity on future relationships.

Good Luck to him! He’ll need it.
How much money will he control? If he doesn’t have a decent budget it is just a sop to the Christian Right.
This is one of many pro life appointments/policies Pres.Bush has implemented. The pro-abortion mentality is everywhere in the gov’t. and these have an impact on our culture. They do not make headlines and therefore some people will argue Bush is not doing enough and a vote for a pro abortion Democrat is justified.
So where are all the anti-Bush folks on this forum who during the recent election cycle, kept claiming President Bush was not pro-life? I am referring to the ones who kept saying they would vote for pro-death Democrats because the President and Republicans were not, despite their public statements pro-Life or at least, pro-Life enough.

I would like to hear their reaction this.
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