Pro-Lifers Should Get Same Access to Schools as Planned Parenthood Does

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PP makes the choice of life clear. They just don’t offer it as the only option - because it’s not.
From the article:
“Empowering students by providing resources that will meet their needs, while also helping them achieve their goals should be a common foundation for all educational institutions,” Karmie said in a recent written statement.
“Students for Life filed a [Freedom of Information Act] request to see which schools would go first, and we are asking the principals of those schools … to allow us to balance out the messaging,” spokeswoman Kristi Hamrick said.

“And here is a key difference, [Students for Life] won’t make money off our conversations, but will offer resources and support,” Hamrick said. “But Planned Parenthood will both make money and market their abortion business. Conflict of interest?”
With all due respect, I don’t see what the problem is here.

If “Students for Life” is student-based, they do have the right to be in the schools.

That’s the law. We’ve talked about this issue before on the board.
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Keep the baby or don’t. They’ve got support structures for either choice.

PP isn’t just an abortion mill.
Hume doesn’t want to say it. I will – it’s death. Planned Parenthood is peddling death to our American teens when they are a captive audience in school.
Hume doesn’t want to say it.
Please don’t speak for me.
Okay, what are the other option (s) besides life?
Hume doesn’t want to say it.
Please don’t speak for me.
Okay, what are the other option (s) besides life?
Depends on the woman involved.

PP provides resources in raising and caring for babies. They provide referral to adoption services. They also perform abortions at many of their clinics.

The woman chooses what happens to the fetus inside her.
Fetus doesn’t get a choice. Too bad for him or her! Not very compassionate to the most powerless among us, is it?
Fetus doesn’t get a choice. Too bad for him or her! Not very compassionate to the most powerless among us, is it?
The fetus doesn’t have the capacity to make a choice. Similarly, the gravel in my driveway had no choice in it being there.

The fetus has no capacity for bodily autonomy - no self determination. The woman does, and it’s her right to exercise it.
Fetus doesn’t get a choice. Too bad for him or her! Not very compassionate to the most powerless among us, is it?
The fetus doesn’t have the capacity to make a choice. Similarly, the gravel in my driveway had no choice in it being there.

The fetus has no capacity for bodily autonomy - no self determination. The woman does, and it’s her right to exercise it.
Human fetus as gravel metaphor. Nice.
But you agree that the baby is a human, correct?
Furthermore she knew exactly what she was doing when she decided to conduct the marital Act. She needs to own up to the consequences of her actions instead of just murdering the “problem” away.
But you agree that the baby is a human, correct?
Furthermore she knew exactly what she was doing when she decided to conduct the marital Act. She needs to own up to the consequences of her actions instead of just murdering the “problem” away.
Yes those darn fetuses just get in there when the woman isn’t looking! What pests they are…
The consent to sex is not a waiver of her own bodily autonomy.

I believe your faith teach the unitive function of sex, correct?
Good job avoiding the question, I’ll ask you again is a fetus a human or not?

And yes there is a unitice function to sex but it has to be open to procreation. If it isn’t then it’s fornication. Which is a sin.
The consent to sex is not a waiver of her own bodily autonomy.
Also the consent to be drinking a bottle of Scotch and driving isn’t waiver for my responsibilities to everyone else’s safety.
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Well my faith teaches me lots of things. One: the sexual act belongs in one context (marriage), two: it’s a mortal sin to procure an abortion. Or to perform or assist an abortion.
A lot of people’s consciences teach them the same things. I guess not yours, though.
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