Pro-Orantibus 2020

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Well-known member
“For those who pray” – the tables are turned, and the faithful pray for and thank the contemplatives. Resources here:

Here is the demographic chart for Spain. We have discussed the issue of Spain losing monasteries. This chart shows that they have, indeed, slid into the 700s for numbers of monasteries. Spain has their Pro-Orantibus on Trinity Sunday.

My new congregation:
My particular ministry promoting the cloisters and contemplative life:
I try to pray often for Spain’s religious; they have the only surviving male house of the Order of St. Jerome, and I pray they have at least enough vocations to keep it alive, but we all know the trend…
All of my prayers – morning offering, Mass, rosaries, and particularly the Angelus – are offered for the increase and sanctification of the contemplative life and those called to it. On Mondays, I offer the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple for all who follow the Rule of St. Augustine – which includes the Hieromymites (sp?). I connect the two because of St. Augustine’s saying, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you, O Lord.”

The Brigittine monks suffered suppression, but pioneering souls re-established them in Oregon. If the Hieronymite monks end with suppression, perhaps God will raise up someone who will restore them, too.

Forgot to mention that the Pro-Orantibus Day materials include bulletin inserts.
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I just read where recently where one of the monasteries of St Clare in Spain is closing and the future of the monastery (property) is uncertain. There are apparently only 3 brothers sisters left in that particular house, 2 of “advanced age” per the news report. They’ll be joining another St Clare house elsewhere in the country. (You were probably already aware of that.)
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Thank you for that information. I cant keep up with international monasteries unless there is good translation.

I’m a little confused, though. Brothers? “St. Clare” convents are usually Poor Clare nuns.
I thought so, too; I suspected it might be that there was a male order I was unfamiliar with… BUT you are correct. It was my quick reading and poor translating. I’m not (or wasn’t until today) familiar with monja being used interchangeably for monk/nun, but as is often the case in Spanish, context is key! I read too fast and made too many assumptions. 😁

Upon rereading (much slower), I see the decision to be made with the property, which the local government considers “museum” worthy, is whether another religious community takes over, the diocese assumes ownership, or it becomes a home for aged Franciscan women.
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Monja is cloistered nun, monje is cloistered monk. Monache is Italian for nun.

Seems like the last option for that monastery would make more sense. Then the nuns wouldn’t have to move. The Discalced Carmelites in the UK, last I heard, had their own dedicated infirmary-monastery for their nuns.

One of the requests my ministry had from a monastery was the possibility of opening a nursing home specifically for cloistered religious. If monasteries aren’t careful, and keep abreast of local laws and codes, they can be cited for running an unlicensed nursing home if there are too many elderly in the infirmary. This particular monastery had one nun in the local Little Sisters of the Poor, but many don’t have that kind of resource.
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