Problem with swear words in head while praying

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I have an issue. It’s is a little bit like tourettes syndrome which I don’t have. I don’t vocalize the bad words but they appear sometimes in my head at the same part of the prayer nearly every time I say it. Obviously I wish they didn’t appear. It makes me think I am being spiritually attacked and it’s evidence God is real because it only happens when I want to spend time with Jesus. However maybe it’s just my own psychological problem. Anyone know anything about this?

God bless.
This used to happen to me. A lot. I thought it was some kind of mental illness or scrupulosity, but now that it is gone, thank God, I believe it to have been caused by my lifestyle and certain sins I was engaged in at that time. So for me I think it was a combination of factors related to those sins. That being said, that’s just my own personal experience. Your situation may be different. I dont want to go into too much detail but I’m fine with explaining more if you want to pm me.
Thanks for your feedback.

Here is the thing. I am keeping His commandments. I am teetotaling. Don’t smoke. Watching what I say. Living a Christian life. There are things I need to work out and of course I am never perfect but my lifestyle is pretty much on the straight and narrow.
Unwanted thoughts happen to everyone.

The more you pay attention to them they tend to reoccur.
It could be some kind of spiritual attack, certainly. It’s hard to say, really. Could be a kind of scrupulosity or ocd. I wouldn’t worry about it being anything serious psychologically, to be honest. Does it only happen during prayer? If so that could be a sign that the enemy is trying to prevent you from praying, which is a good thing! Ignore it and persevere, if you can. 🙂
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