hi gradstud, I can truly relate to what you are going through.I have a sister that has done the same thing to me over the years. She use to get mad when my mom was w/me alot because I was so ill & hospitalized at times. I was called the “drug addict” b/c of the meds I was on for my IBD, was told that I was faking it or using my illness to draw attention to myself, & she use to rub it in that she can do more things because she was healthy & I wasn’t. It went on even after college but I just ignored it & continued on with my job & volunteer work.
I thought things would finally get better with her after I got married, but she continued w/vicious lies about things I supposably said or did.I was always the bad guy & had to beg for forgiveness. Even my parents started believing her claims which caused alot of anguish for me emotionally & physically.
It finally got to a point where I had to put a stop to it because my Crohns was out of remission & even my husband, MD, and friends, told me I needed to take care of myself & get away from all that verbal/mental/emotional abuse. Yes, it hurt to not have contact for a while, but I needed time to heal spiritually, physically, and mentally.
When I had my stroke 2 yrs. ago, it was a wakeup call for my family. They finally realized that I almost died & they should have treated me better. My husband stood up for me & stressed to them per the doctors, any additional turmoil could cause serious set backs and even another stroke. They are civil to me now but I know it will take some time to rebuild the trust that was lost.
Don’t let your sister bring you down. It’s not your fault that you’re sick (I truly believed it when I was younger but not now), you are doing everything you can to get well, and if your sister can’t understand or support you,then set boundaries to stay away from her for whatever length of time so you can heal.
Keep the faith and know that you will be in my prayers.