I was teaching religion class this week and I took the kids to the church to do a little tour of church ,altar , sacristy etc… my priest is not involved in our religious ed program and he can be hard to approach most times…a lot of people have left the parish because of this…but this time I was so terribly hurt for myself as well as my students, I was going through what the priest wears for the vesting process and we were in the sacristy, and Father.came in. He didn’t even say hello to the children and he was so curt and mean that I almost began to cry. We were not disrespectful in any way , and I’ve always taken the children into the church as they enjoy it too… I feel like I’m nearing the end of my rope, He can be so terribly unfriendly at times, but when he’s that way to me I just deal, but these children( 9th grade )and I was terribly upset that he was so mean, the children were visabally shocked by the way he acted… I don’t want to leave my parish…but I keep seeing more and more families leaving. I give the Eucharist to the homebound and nusing homes, but If I left I would be just devastated! I always try to respect and pray for our priest… and encourage others to as well , …I just don’t know what to do anymore, I am losing heart… Please pray for me
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