Ok, to sum it up real fast, my mom is catholic and my dad isn’t. My mom believes some of the catholic practices and says the rest are wierd. My mom refuses to let me go to confession and i’m not old enough to drive myself or get there myself. My mom wouldn’t even bring me to church for a while. My dad is just kinda like “whatever do whatever you want” and he doesn’t put much faith into religion. But he listens to my mom.
Well today, i finally got my parents to bring me to church (in a church i just found, and it’s beautiful and dedicated(i think that would be the word) to St. Francis of Assisi, one of my favorite saints!!! It also has a few statues and all of St. Anthony, who is my favorite saint! It’s a fransiscan church, and i want to be a fransiscan when i’m older! So it’s perfect.) but when it came time to receive communion, i wouldn’t go up because i hadn’t gone to confession and i am currently in a state of mortal sin, as far as the sacrament at least. I had to have a whispered argument with my mom before she finally went up. I tried to explain to her how i can’t go up if i’m in a state of mortal sin. I didn’t tell her all my sins, but i used missing church purposly as an example. She said that nobody listens to that and the church makes it all up. She said nobody would be at church if they cared about that stuff. So now she says she is offended because she had me baptized and confirmed catholic and i refuse to take part in Catholic practices (communion). I tried to explain that confession is a catholic practice but she says that they only did that a long time ago. So now she says that she won’t bring me to mass unless i promise to take communion. And she refuses to bring me to confession. So i can’t do anything.
Should i say i’ll take communion and then just not take it when i get there?
Would i be held responsible for missing mass if i refused to go because i won’t take communion? Would it be a mortal sin?
Well for the good news…i should get my drivers licence in about a year.
Well today, i finally got my parents to bring me to church (in a church i just found, and it’s beautiful and dedicated(i think that would be the word) to St. Francis of Assisi, one of my favorite saints!!! It also has a few statues and all of St. Anthony, who is my favorite saint! It’s a fransiscan church, and i want to be a fransiscan when i’m older! So it’s perfect.) but when it came time to receive communion, i wouldn’t go up because i hadn’t gone to confession and i am currently in a state of mortal sin, as far as the sacrament at least. I had to have a whispered argument with my mom before she finally went up. I tried to explain to her how i can’t go up if i’m in a state of mortal sin. I didn’t tell her all my sins, but i used missing church purposly as an example. She said that nobody listens to that and the church makes it all up. She said nobody would be at church if they cared about that stuff. So now she says she is offended because she had me baptized and confirmed catholic and i refuse to take part in Catholic practices (communion). I tried to explain that confession is a catholic practice but she says that they only did that a long time ago. So now she says that she won’t bring me to mass unless i promise to take communion. And she refuses to bring me to confession. So i can’t do anything.
Should i say i’ll take communion and then just not take it when i get there?
Would i be held responsible for missing mass if i refused to go because i won’t take communion? Would it be a mortal sin?
Well for the good news…i should get my drivers licence in about a year.