I wrote a thread once in the parenting section of this site about my dd 2nd grade teacher. We are having problems again with her. The first problem was that she gave my daughter a reading test on a story that she did not read and she got a “F” on it. I addressed it and she said that she did read it for she got a perfect score on her vocabulary test on this story. I saw the vocab. test and a first grader could figure out what the word meaning. Anyway, I let it go since my dd was getting an A in the class anyway. Now, she was sick again and missed one day last week and was sent home with some phonics paper to complete. She did and I checked them. On Friday she brings all her work home for the week and I saw the phonics papers and they did not have a grade on it so I shreded it. If it has just a check on it, I toss it for she brings home to much papers. I keep the papers with grades on it for each quarter until report cards and toss it after that too. Anyway on Saturday night I am looking online at my dd grades and she received two zeros for her phonic papers. I wrote a note to the teacher and she said that dd forgot to put her name on them and I know she didn’t for I did. She also stated that these papers would have a grade not a check on them. She told me that she was going to copy them and give them to dd for a retake. She has not done so yet. In the meantime, my dd missed two more days this week for being sick again. She came home with a lot of work to do this weekend. As she was reading me her religion homework that was for the two days she missed, she told me that she had a test on this on Friday, yesterday. She told me she did not do good for she answered them all wrong, as she read the correct answer. I asked if she ever read these pages in class before Wednesday and she said no. Wednesday and Thursdays were the day she was absent. I don’t think that it is fair again to let now three more grades to go by without a fight for what is right. In the meantime, about a month ago, I ran into the old assistant teacher for this 2nd grade teacher and asked her if she had problems with her. She said that she was the reason she had left the school and this 2nd grade teacher made her life a living hell. She told me that when she doens’t like you forget it, she will never like you. She told me also that she is a liar to parents and to herself a lot. I believe it for she lied to my dh and I about yelling at our daughter about an incident that we wrote down in a letter. I believe our daughter. She is also now telling me that my dd forgot to write her name on these paper when I have the shreded evidence and her name is on it. I would hate to have to tape up all four pages to prove her wrong and I should not have to, she should believe the parents. I still have these papers in case she keeps the zeros and not give her the grades she deserves. She did the work and they checked off on it and if they forgot to grade it that is their mistake, not my dd. By they, I mean the assistant teacher and the teacher.
What would you do? First there is the two zero grades and now the religion test that I am sure she has failed and was never given the chance to read the material first.
What would you do? First there is the two zero grades and now the religion test that I am sure she has failed and was never given the chance to read the material first.