Profanity and its variants are VERY culturally based. Except for using the name of God in vain, it’s really all a cultural construct.
Case in point. My friend’s children when they were very young were taught that “stupid” and “idiot” were BAD words. They understood these to be as bad as curse words. To them, they really were. So when they went to confession, they’d confess that they called their brother or sister stupid. It wasn’t until Father asked permission to talk to their Mommy about their “bad words” that he understood what the heck was going on.
He was then able to advise the children not to use those words just as he’d advise someone to avoid swearing. He adjusted his dialogue for that vernacular.
It’s the same way with some cultures. For instance, in ASL where I grew up (ASL varies by region so this may not be true everywhere), there are MANY signs that are “swear” words. But the middle finger was just a funny joke that would be akin to a normal English speaker calling their friend a goof. They didn’t do it in front of hearing, but when it was all deaf, that birdie flew wild.
Now, a priest knowing ASL, who knew the culture, would not walk in and start saying “you are using horrible language”. No, he’d understand those words.
In the same way, swear words are part of the ordinary vocabulary in some professions and people don’t really use them in the same way tender ears may.
So I’d say, then, if it’s you you’re speaking about, work on developing a better vocabulary to express yourself.
If it’s not you, and children are not about, then leave well enough alone.