I’m wondering why many Catholics on this forum are so quick to recommend counselling. If you have been one of these responders, have you experienced counselling first hand?
If somebody writes the forum, they’re looking for a cross-section of faithful Catholics to give them ordinary suggestions. Why would a counsellor do so much better than that?
In my opinion, a lot of psychologists are pretty nutty themselves, and doesn’t it weaken the marital bond to air your dirty laundry to a third party? Why can’t people just slowly putz away at handling their marriages? A lot of you are very worried about abuse. But, how would you feel if your husband asked you to go to counselling because you’re too controlling? Many women are really running their husbands around these days. They get jealous if he leaves the house just to visit his sister. I’ve seen this in my family. They can’t seem to be alone for an evening. Take up some hobbies women! Even on this forum, there is such a strong feminist tilt in many of the replies. Even if you go to counselling, it doesn’t mean it’s a cure-all. Next week a new problem will crop up. Counselling is very expensive; you’d need a counsel session every two days to stay on top of the problems that men create! They’re very unpredictable people, always leaving messes for you to clean up. Unless you get a discount, and even if you do, you will be spending money that should go to the kids. Where do counsellors go when their spouses are acting up?
If somebody writes the forum, they’re looking for a cross-section of faithful Catholics to give them ordinary suggestions. Why would a counsellor do so much better than that?
In my opinion, a lot of psychologists are pretty nutty themselves, and doesn’t it weaken the marital bond to air your dirty laundry to a third party? Why can’t people just slowly putz away at handling their marriages? A lot of you are very worried about abuse. But, how would you feel if your husband asked you to go to counselling because you’re too controlling? Many women are really running their husbands around these days. They get jealous if he leaves the house just to visit his sister. I’ve seen this in my family. They can’t seem to be alone for an evening. Take up some hobbies women! Even on this forum, there is such a strong feminist tilt in many of the replies. Even if you go to counselling, it doesn’t mean it’s a cure-all. Next week a new problem will crop up. Counselling is very expensive; you’d need a counsel session every two days to stay on top of the problems that men create! They’re very unpredictable people, always leaving messes for you to clean up. Unless you get a discount, and even if you do, you will be spending money that should go to the kids. Where do counsellors go when their spouses are acting up?