Programming & IT Discussion

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New member
any computer programmer or IT expert in here? join here to discuss things


just for reminder, we don’t discuss cyber crime in here such as:
  • how to do cracking,
  • or how to be a cracker,
  • or how i can get pirated softwares (though I wouldn’t deny that (maybe) almost people did that),
  • or any other illegal things and how to do cyber crimes
however, we can discuss anything for cyber security purposes, programming, share your source codes or any legal stuffs
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Programmer here!

I’m pretty “old school” though, starting professionally in 1985.

Unix, defence systems, C, Java, .Net, etc. When I go to a meeting and hear about the vast infrastructure behind modern cloud systems, it’s all double-dutch to me.

Greetings, and good luck with this!
nice, bro (or sis? 😃 ) welcome… imma newbie enough and i wanna learn a lot for programming esp. C & C++, C#, Java, Python, Assembly (Machine Learning → AI → is this threat for humanity you think?) and also query like SQL and web dev like HTML, AJAX, ASP, CSS but more now is for gaming i.e. Unity & UE
That’s “bro” to you, kid 🙂

That’s a great list of languages! It’s somewhat the path that I have taken, but with more web stuff (I never mastered Web 2.0).

I’ve been out of the mainstream for so long that I can’t say how useful they will be. When I go to professional dev meetings (Microsoft) I hear people talking more about “platforms” (open source and propriety) than particular languages.

Since 2012 I’ve been doing mainly Android, and I can say that’s got a great future, and still a shortage of skilled programmers. If you can do Android (Java), SQL and backends I think you’ll be in a good position. I’ve tried C# on Android and thought it aweful - stick with Java.

I’ve also got a lot of F# - the .Net functional language. If it’s your cup of tea, then it’s heaps of fun and very useful.
well, seems like there not much people talk about F#
what kinda prog lang is that?

anyway, if anyone else wanna join this discussion, feel free

also, because this is for IT, so all of computer stuffs can be discussed here, include comp sec
I’m also a developer, albeit a junior dev. I use C# and SQL on a daily basis. I’m not old school though, I’m quite new school obviously. 😛 What do you want to know about being a developer?
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I’m a structural engineer, but I have a little bit of programming experience. My graduate research was heavily calculation-based (used Python and Matlab) and I did a little bit of software development at my last job (in Visual Basic). I have known Java and FORTRAN in the past as well.
Dev here for 30+ years… Groovy, Perl, Python, Rexx, SQL, PHP, you name it, I probably did it…
well, imma very much beginner… i actually wanna learn more of C++ (my fave lang) do you learn C++?
welcome, bro @HopkinsReb feel free to ask / discussing things in here…

@steph03 wow that’s a lot, feel free to share your knowledge / discussing things in here…
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I dabble. I use SQL and Python regularly in my work as an analyst. I’m considering going into more tech heavy work as my next career move but not sure what I want to do yet.
Mostly data cleansing and creating visual monitoring reports (to make sure data load, etc). Nothing extensive.
Mostly data cleansing and creating visual monitoring reports (to make sure data load, etc). Nothing extensive.
Thanks. I sometimes have to work with large text files with rows of data. Sometimes I need to find a record and field in the record. Usually I import it into Excel or Access, but writing a Python program could be an option (and more fun!).
I do a lot of programming at home for hobby and math/scientific purposes, mostly using Python, C, and bash. Have experience in but gradually forgetting a few other languages.
I have interested in learning Python. Just curious what you use it for…
I know your question wasn’t directed toward me, but I want to chime in.

I use Python for scientific programming with graphical user interface. For this I also like to develop my own C extensions to speed up the heavy numerical work within the Python framework.
I forgot to mention some IT aspects: Linux (mostly Debian), network and system administration in my own household, backup, security.
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well, imma very much beginner… i actually wanna learn more of C++ (my fave lang) do you learn C++?
I did, yes, but I don’t use it. Quite frankly I prefer C# since I don’t have to worry as much about pointers or memory allocation problems (not that they don’t exist in C#, since it uses methods from C++ that have to have allocation and deallocation taken into account, but C#'s garbage collector is nice). C++ and C though can be used to make sleeker and speedier programs because of that though. From what I’ve seen (and mind you, my perspective is limited as a junior full-stack developer), C++ is not as popular as it used to be, but I think it and C are still used a lot with programming firmware.
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That’d definitely doable. I sometimes have to find all the records that fit certain requirements, pull them out, and manipulate them or create a report on them. Or I might have to find values in certain fields that need their data type changed. Python definitely helps with that.
C & C++ is usually for big project software e.g. OS, or very large s/w that needs speed, efficiency and effectiveness afaik
I wish I knew more about modern programming. Then I’d know if I’d want to do modern programming.
I haven’t done much programming since the end of the last millennium and that was mainly for maintaining some 1970s and early 1980s code.

I’d like to design some on-line college level math test programs where I provide the students with all the symbols necessary to solve a particular problem so they can just pick them. I don’t know what the best language/utility for that is. Maybe MATLAB?
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