Project Ireland 2040

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Curious if anyone here has heard of this “project” yet, and if you might have any thoughts on it…

Both of these videos are opposed to it with some similar content and concerns.

I’ve heard of it and I’m not at all surprised by it.
Last time I was in Ireland, I was speaking to the farmer whose bungalow we rented. I was
a bit taken aback at the degree of animosity which he and his son had towards the Catholic Church. I asked him " When the Church is pulled down, what will you replace it with ? " What we’re seeing now is the answer to my question.
I do not see the logic in your reply? Yes, there is widespread disillusion with the Church here but why is the 2040 idea a bad thing? NB I feel myself it is just a gimmick from a very new Taois each who is now in trouble for apparently getting it advertised free
The Republic of Ireland has a population of apx. 4 million. Bringing in 1 million migrants will be disastrous . Ireland already has seen an increase in crime, shouting and intimidation of vulnerable old people. The African gangs have brought with them violent disorder and criminal damage . They have no fear or respect for the police . Anyone who stands up to them is labelled racist, and the Government is not protecting its citizens. Similar to whats been happening in other parts of Europe.
From your track record, you don’t seem to care much for Catholic Ireland, so why should you care ?
Snide remarks achieve what? I care deeply for the country God brought me to; far too much to see it as perfect.

The groups here in Ireland who are causing the kind of damage you refer to are in fact Irish. Gang feuds, riots, looting, attacking the Gardai.
We already have a large immigrant population who are less trouble than our own.

SEe how many thriving Polish Catholic churches we have here now? Enriching.
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@Carmel, your comments are not snide because they are true. Rosebud has posted numerous times (some having had to be removed by the mods on the old CAF) where she has unleashed her disdain and animosity toward Ireland and toward the Catholic Church.

I agree that Ireland will utterly be changed by the influx of one million immigrants, and not for the better. In the last few years, I have lost a lot of interest in visiting Ireland, I will have zero interest when it changes further. If I want diversity and multicultural experiences, I can visit NYC and see it at its best. That is not what I visited Ireland for.
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Not true what you write, my dear. Not true at all. This is where God brought me. You seem to want to keep this country in some kind of time warp? Your last sentence especially. We have to adjust to the real world we live in, not the past. We have to be a part of the real world. Not “Ireland for the Irish.” . While I do not agree with the way Leo Varadkar is going about it, at least he is in touch with reality. We need a diversity and we need ways of living the reality of a hurting world
{lease take off the rose coloured glasses?
Our health service ( for we who are poor) is falling apart as newly trained drs and nurses are quitting the country; we need the staff from overseas
You maybe should read some recent news stories. Try Tallaght in the snow when a gang of Irish men bulldozed a supermarket to loot it then attacked the Gardai … set fire to as many cars as they could find… prevented fire men from digging an ambulance out of the now and the patient inside the ambulance died as a result.

Look up “abortion referendum” too. And Tuam babies.

And rather than attacking me? Pray for us here in Ireland. Please do that?
And I will continue to do as Jesus bids and bless you every time you attack me. BLESS YOU! And I will continue to do allI can to support folk here. in my adopted country… With our realities.
African gangs? Our gangs are pure Irish… Maybe we need also more police from overseas? If that is what you call “disdain” on my part you are very wrong. We have in Dublin a gang war waging . Homelessness is high. And many of us here work alongside those who support and help. As I have said also, on deaf ears, there is that in the church here I cannot admire. As an abuse survivor? I love the Lord Jesus with every fibre of my being. BLESS YOU!
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I did not attack you. Stop putting words in my mouth and giving your own misinterpretation of what I am saying.
And you can stop blessing me.
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Have a husband who is an Irish citizen. The country is already full of immigrants. Mostly Polish, Russian, and Ethiopian. He had several immigrant friends at the very large company he worked for in Galway City.

Had to weigh in because of it. But I’m off CAF for Lent, so bye.
The first OP video was pulled for this retraction video (still concerning)

Will Ireland avoid what happened to Britain?
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