I don’t know about websites that hand out freebie stuff, but one of the things I really liked during my pregnancies was being part of an online community of moms who were all due the same month I was. It was cool, being able to be around fifty or sixty other women who were all a week or two (or three or four) ahead of me… being able to see what others were dealing with, and have something to compare my experiences to, and being able to talk a bunch about the things that were most important to me, because they could totally relate to it. All of my RL friends had had their kids 10 or 20 years ago— I didn’t really have a peer group, so the online community was really important, especially in helping me feel solid about different choices I made (ie, I wanted a midwife and a waterbirth and the freedom to do as I pleased, and anyone local I approached about the subject made me feel like I was an alien from another planet for not wanting to lay down, stick my feet in stirrups, and do things in a way that was most comfortable for the doctor— whereas here were three or four women who weren’t really comfortable with their doctors they had chosen, but they stuck with them anyways because they felt obligated, and as time passed, they felt more and more uncomfortable, but they also rationalized that “it was too late to change their minds” as to who would attend their birth— etc, etc, etc).
Anyhow. Stuff like that, times a thousand different things. You get all sorts of data points that help you have context for what you’re going through yourself, rather than just being isolated.
As far as material stuff goes, I’d say buy a pack of newborn disposables to get them through the first month, and then buy two dozen cloth diapers, presuming they have a washer/dryer. Not the Gerber ones with polyester fill, but cotton prefolds. They look something like this:
It’s about $30 for a pack of a dozen. Buy two dozen. Figure four to six changes per day. Get about a dozen diaper covers (about $13 ea) to hold them in place with an
angel fold. I liked covers like the snap types most consistently, although I tried various styles and favored different ones at different ages.
On the days I had to bring my baby to daycare when I was working, even the daycare had no problems pulling off an angel fold or cooperating with my cloth diapers. I just had to bring a printout with the instructions, and it was easy-peasy.
Get a couple of packs of baby washcloths to use as diaper wipes. You’ve spent under $250 on diapers and now have enough diapers to last them until the baby is, like, 2 years old or whatever— and you still have those same diapers to be pressed into service again for when the baby has a younger sibling.