Promise Keepers

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While I recognize CAForums to be a great place to start an argument (er…friendly debate), I’m not trying to do so here.

…just happens that as I finished my “Hi y’all” post #1 - and going through my mail - a PK ‘flyer’ was on top.

I’d love to hear of your experiences if you have attended a PK conference.

I found just two threads re these folks - both closed:

My (name removed by moderator)ut: We should continually seek out and be involved in Catholic events that bring us closer to our Lord.

But PK is
  1. an excellent opportunity to worship and praise God with our separated brothers of the catholic Church, and
  2. A truly uplifting experience…especially the music: singing Amazing Grace with 20,000 men is pretty powerful - to say the least.
I’ve been to 3 of them.
Rick, did you go alone, with Protestant friends, with Catholic friends, or a mixed group. I see a lot of anti-PK stuff around, and maybe it’s wise to exercise caution with this bunch, but if you ask me, anybody who can fill Mile High Stadium with Christian MEN has got to have something good going for it that I would like to tap into for Catholic men!
Rick, did you go alone, with Protestant friends, with Catholic friends, or a mixed group? I see a lot of anti-PK stuff around, and maybe it’s wise to exercise caution with this bunch, but if you ask me, anybody who can fill Mile High Stadium with Christian MEN has got to have something good going for it that I would like to tap into for Catholic men!
I went with protestant friends the first two - and the last one alone.
If I go this year I’ll try to get some Catholic friends to join me.

As for Anti-PK stuff, I would like to hear of specific objections based on what a person saw or heard…

As for me I heard nothing that offended me and only very, very little that would be not be considered solid Catholic teaching.
I went with protestant friends the first two - and the last one alone.
If I go this year I’ll try to get some Catholic friends to join me.

As for Anti-PK stuff, I would like to hear of specific objections based on what a person saw or heard…

As for me I heard nothing that offended me and only very, very little that would be not be considered solid Catholic teaching.
I don’t want to give links to negative stuff on the Internet because it smells to me like the kind of thing Catholics encounter when people want to discredit the Church. My suspicion is that the criticism of PK is sour grapes from people who can’t get 5 people together in one room, much less 8,000-30,000 men in a football stadium. One hears the accustion of “cultism” and the like. FWIW
if I understand the promise keepers correctly all you have to do is keep 7 promises (I think it’s 7), all of which I have no problem with. The only negative things I’ve read are from groups that have a feminist agenda because PK is a group for men.
M & m, you are right to point out that “agenda’s” are the typical objections I too have heard.

I’ve not met a Catholic yet who’s been to one but would love to hear the opinion of one who’s been.

It really is a life changing experience…a real shot in the arm.

If you’ve been to a Marriage Encounter I can say it’s the same thing. It’ll put you on a “high” for a long time.
I attended the UPRISING last year in Albany, N.Y. .I,m going again this year in Long Island , N.Y. some time in september. This years theme is the AWAKINING… This has nothing to do with which denomination you belong to. Its about brothers in Christ coming together to worship in an atmosphere of Gods powerful Spirit. I guarantee you will not come back the same person. You will change and better your life in your marriage, your community,your church,ect. What I saw was men crying out to God with true repentance. The speakers were wonderful and powerful in their testimonies.There really arn,t words to describe on How awesome our God Is. I would recommend every man go. You will not come back the same.Change is one of the hardest things for us to do. Just DO IT. 👍 God Bless
Thanks for the links. I will look for events in my area.

I must say, a couple years ago I went to a “Mens Conference” but don’t remember who put it on.

It was a sad attempt to mimic PK: It just seemed too contrived…

Like I said in my orig. post, though, I do think we ought to attend and support Catholic events.
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