Promoting Eucharistic Adoration in my Parish

  • Thread starter Thread starter ThomasIgnatius
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My parish currently has Adoration once per month from 10 till noon. I am trying to work with my pastor and those few adorers who show up to a) promote the practice and b) extend the hours of adoration to accommodate work and school schedules of our parishioners. Does anyone have any advice as to how to get people interested in Eucharistic Adoration? I’ve talked to the person who first got it started in our parish, and he said that he found that nobody was interested. But I want to give it a fighting chance, so any suggestions whatsoever would be greatly appreciated.
You have to get your pastor on board with the idea before anyone else can climb on the wagon. So I would talk with him first, and be prepared to cite the reasons you want to try to get the devotion jump-started.

You might ask for a flyer insert in the bulletin to canvass what sort of hours people would be interested in.
When we joined the parish there was Adoration after the noon Mass once a week, now we have a separate Adoraion chapel with Adoration every day (except Sunday) all day long.

Definately speak to your pastor first. Then put notices in the bulletin, flyers in the back of the church, and have a sign up board. Ask to speak at other meetings (everyone from CCD classes, Knights, bingo, parish council, whatever groups your parish has. Talk about the great revival that happens in every parishthat has Adoration- deepening of faith life, more active parishioners, more vocations, etc.

Start with extending the hours into the evening, then start adding days. It is ideal of course to have 2 people for every time slot, butthat may not be possible at first. It may help to offer 1/2 hour shifts, so people who are reluctant to commit an hour will sign up.

Blessings on you for taking on this challenge! 😃
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