Proof of existence of gods

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bahman
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This is based on four facts/definition which proof of each fact is given in the following:

A) There exists an awareness in consciousness for any change.
B) There exist changes that we do not intervene in them.
C) What we call laws of nature is outcome of ordered awareness and not vice versa.
D) An agent is defined as a conscious being with awareness.

From these four facts we can deduce that there are agents in charge of changes which we do not intervene.

Proof of (A): Lets consider a system in state of S which S causes another state of S’. S and S’ cannot coexist hence S must exist (to cause) and exist not (to provide room for S’) which is problematic unless the awareness of S exist in consciousness, C.

Proof of (B): Common sense.

Proof of (C): Laws of nature is a mathematical framework which explain any change in what we call insentient universe. (A) is however true meaning that any change comes with an awareness hence nothing is insentient.

(D) is just a definition.
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