Proof that there is a God

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I heard a new proof. The atom can not be destroyed. Doesn’t that indicate that there is a God? Because only God could create something that is indestructible! Now, we can split the atom but not destroy it!
I’m not sure what you think is meant by destroying an atom, but I don’t think your proof works. When it is said that an atom (matter) cannot be created nor destroyed, it’s meant that the atom/matter cannot come from or turn into nothing. It is converted into other forms (generally various forms of energy such as heat and sound). So it’s not that an atom is indestructible, per se, and when an atom splits, we are no longer talking about the original thing: it’s now something(s) different. Table salt is sodium chloride, but it won’t explode in water just because there’s sodium in it. Does that make sense?

The physicists on the board are welcomed to correct and/or elaborate on this general answer from this stupid engineer. 😜
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When it is said that an atom (matter) cannot be created nor destroyed, it’s meant that the atom/matter cannot come from or turn into nothing.
Exactly. Atoms are not even the smallest form of matter. They’re assembled from subatomic particles, which are themselves composed of even smaller components. Atoms are fused and broken apart into new elemental forms all the time, and lose and gain mass accordingly. They may even be totally deconstructed by superheating them so that the electrons leave their orbits, creating plasma. They’re not nearly as static as my high school science classes made it seem.
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The fact that the atom is held into existence…now that might be enough reason, but you will never “prove God” with physical evidence…you might be close, but you’ll never get all the way, kinda why Faith is an essential part of our religion.
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A better one for me is to go from no life to life. Scientists know the components and amounts that go into a cell… many have tried to put such together and ‘create’ a cell from scratch. So far looks like only God can do it.
I developed lasers for a living and I still find particle physics complex and nuanced.🙂
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