Protect Right to Life for Unborn Even if Threatened with Death says Cardinal

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From LifeSite
Protect Right to Life for Unborn Even if Threatened with Death says Cardinal

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, September 7,( – Many people in different countries work tirelessly and ceaselessly to protect the unborn, and the question is often asked “at what cost”. Apparently no price is too high for Archbishop Cardinal Jorge Beroglio of Buenos Aires.

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How many of us are willing:confused:

From LifeSite many of us are willing:confused:

Not me. I must be a wuss since I live in the US and am not accustomed to being killed for my views. 😉

Shredded for them here at CAF, maybe. :rolleyes:

I couln’t agree more, even in death, of to use extreme force to protect is our formost responsibility

wasn’t it John Paul II that said " a nation that kill it’s young will not survive"==(something to that effect)
I couln’t agree more, even in death, of to use extreme force to protect is our formost responsibility

wasn’t it John Paul II that said " a nation that kill it’s young will not survive"==(something to that effect)
Right, it’s our responsibility, but the real question is, who among us are willing?

If I could die and somehow prevent an abortion by so doing? Sorry, not me. I have six children that become orphans if I do that. Let others, perhaps such as you, lead the battles on the front. I’ll stay behind the lines and keep raising the children I have.

If I could die and somehow prevent an abortion by so doing? Sorry, not me. I have six children that become orphans if I do that. Let others, perhaps such as you, lead the battles on the front. I’ll stay behind the lines and keep raising the children I have.
Alan from Wichita,
Seems to me, as you already have six children your witness to the value and dignity of life has been made in a powerful and significant manner. Large families frequently suffer discrimination and recriminations for their choice to parent numerous offspring; it is called white martyrdom.
I would like to say yes, but I am in the same boat as Allen, only its half the boat: 3 kids.

Once they hvae grown up though, nothing would prevent me from running to the front lines.
If I was put on the spot (help promote the Culture of Death in some way or die), I would. I wouldn’t seek it out, since my kids need me.
Many of us may more realistically have to face losing a job, becoming social outcasts or going to jail. Who’s willing to make these sacrifices?
If I was put on the spot (help promote the Culture of Death in some way or die), I would. I wouldn’t seek it out, since my kids need me.
Many of us may more realistically have to face losing a job, becoming social outcasts or going to jail. Who’s willing to make these sacrifices?
We are not called to seek it out (martyrdom), and some may choose to walk away if possible from a situation without speaking up. If God wants you to give witness He will send the Holy Spirit and you won’t be able to resist speaking out.

It was really scary for me once outside an abortion mill when this angry man shouted at me - right in my face - I really believed he was going to punch me (I’m 5’ 3"). I talked calmly to him, praying for the words to say, and eventually he calmed down and listened to what I was saying. He didn’t agree but he did let go of his anger.

I have a feeling that the Culture of Death is escalating to a point where many of us will face martyrdom and we will have to be like the mother in 2 Machabees, Chapter 7. We should be preparing ourselves now.
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