Protecting the Unborn

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I, like many fellow Catholics, will not vote for John Kerry because of his support of legal abortion. President Bush also recently denied funding for so-called “family planning” services to Africa because this funding would include support for abortions. Also, the Catholic Church in Kenya and Africa also seeks to combat contraception and abortion in Africa.

Meanwhile, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donates millions to so-called “family planning” organizations that support abortion in Africa.

So, we have Catholics who support George Bush and our Church to help end abortion in the US and Africa, and we have a Catholic, Melinda Gates, who is part of an organization that donates millions to organizations that support abortion in Africa.

Am I missing something? It would seem that the Church in Seattle at the very least should address this immediately with Mrs. Gates because Gates foundation money is opposing the work of the Church in Africa to protect the unborn.

Many Catholics rightly don’t think that pro-abortion politicians such as John Kerry should receive communion. What about Catholics involved in organizations that support abortion?

I didn’t realize that Mrs. Gates was Catholic. The Church ought to make it clear that all direct support of abortion is immoral. But hasn’t the Church made that clear by now? Many Catholics just don’t take it seriously.
The Gates Foundation also donates to John Hopkins’ Reproductive Health work:

One positive aspect is that the manager of the fund, Robert Kambic, teaches Natural Family Planning and is referenced on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops web site.

However, millions are donated to organizations that promote abortion:

Some Catholics may seek to justify voting for Senator Kerry because of other good he will do for the economy etc. Yet rightly, many Catholics point out that because of the seriousness of abortion, it is not proportionate reason to support Senator Kerry.

How would this or a similar principal apply to supporting abortion by buying products that may end up supporting the Gates foundation?

I have heard arguments here that since the Gates foundation does much to save lives (and in fairness that appears true), abortion can be tolerated (or a similar concept). Similarly, many Catholics claim that Senator Kerry will help people by growing the economy which will help poor families and do other good.

Senator Kerry and Melinda Gates are both Catholics.

So can someone explain to me: if it is not right to vote for Senator Kerry (which I agree with), is it OK to support the Gates foundation through the purchase of software products? Why?

I am not knowledgeable about this, but I live in Seattle and have the impression that the Gates are very charitable and compassionate people. They donated money to our Catholic school, among other charities.
That is not to say that supporting abortion in Africa is all right, it is not. But given their worldview, and the extreme liberal slant that is considered normal here, it may just be something that they have not realized is wrong. I hope that people will approach them about it with courtesy and wisdom, instead of lashing out angrily.
Hello Viki,
it may just be something that they have not realized is wrong.
I don’t know about that. I am concerned about the apparent apathy about this. This is serious. They have donated literally millions to these organizations. This needs to be addressed immediately. These are innocent unborn children and while we are living comfortably here in the US they are quietly being killed in Africa with funding from powerful wealthy American corporations.

I am not anti-Microsoft or anything like that. I like their software. At the same time we should not be blinded by the wealth and power that we Americans can subconsciously admire. Jesus warned us about these concepts.

People, I think we need to be serious about this! Other Catholic organizations have expressed concern about this also. Are we not also to work to transform the world? When unborn children are being killed, it’s urgent, isn’t it?

Many are strongly against John Kerry’s pro-abortion position. Why does their seem to be such apathy about this? Am I missing something?

Well, there is apathy about abortion generally.

Many if not most Catholics will probably vote for Kerry in spite of his pro-abortion views.

And if they are apathetic about abortion generally, they are likely even less knowledgeable about the foundations that support it.

You will find more people who are upset about the bugs in the MS operating system than you will find who are upset with the Gates foundation support of abortion.

So I’m glad to get that information on this board. This is something that needs to be better publicized. Perhaps we need to be writing letters to the foundation.
Hi Jim,
This is something that needs to be better publicized. Perhaps we need to be writing letters to the foundation.
I have written them emails. From what I understand, Bill Gates’ father is/was a proponent of “population control”. I think Melinda Gates may be trying to help shift the donations towards what she considers more moral causes, nor is it my place to judge of course. However, the foundation evidently still continues to donate to immoral practices (abortion, abortifacients, contraceptives, and sterilization).

I continue to point out the help that the Gates Foundation provides to many, but the other practices are wrong. Some Catholic web sites have called for boycott. Letters cannot hurt.

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