Protestanism bringing Christ to villagers

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I need some help figuring out logic as i can’t do it on my own with my limited and uneducated intellect.

1)If a group of protestants from different denominations went into an indigenous area to spread the gospel and thus they received a slice of spiritual truth and physical aid. And i was called to do manual work in the program, Would this be partaking in evil? At the same time, the indigenous people are humans and to refuse them aid would seem like a bigger evil than partaking in the heresy of sola fide.
  1. Would it only be not good if apart from the initiation which is a free gift from God working through human beings as a secondary cause , they were promised immediate salvation aka once saved always saved?
3)Would it be better if the tribes remained pagan instead of being “Protestanised?”.
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Evil? I think that’s a bit strong. Others may disagree with me, but I think a little partial truth is better than none at all. I think you’re correct that not aiding people in need is the real evil.

So why is it that you can’t help and provide the Catholic truth?
Is this an actual real-life situation?

If so, and you’re looking to join some program to help indigenous people, don’t the Catholics have some initiative that you can join? Or is there some non-denominational aid program where you can help indigenous people without needing to also proselytize for Protestants while you’re doing the manual labor?

Your post is suggesting you want to join some Protestant mission to help poor people. It’s great to help poor people, but if you’re a Catholic then you shouldn’t be joining in Protestant evangelization efforts. If it were some kind of ecumenical program and had Catholic priests or religious also on board then that would be okay for you to join.
It is quite common for faithless people to be led to the prostestant church. And as their journey continues to then be lead to the Catholic faith.

The only thing you can do is discern God’s will. For all we know, God is asking you to build homes for the indigeneous people as a way to expose the protestants workers to Catholicism

Today’s missionaries seldom convert from nothing. The remote areas the evangelicals visit often were visited by Catholics centuries before. So they’re often converting those.

Some years ago, there was news of a Christian missionary’s plane being mistaken for that of a drug smuggler and shot down over Peru IIRC. I didn’t think there were any pagans in that part of the world anymore. It has also been reported that Islam is gaining converts in Latin America–Mexico in particular.
very informative and much needed. Thank you Bartholomew.
Being “protestanised” can be good for met Jesus in some part if we consider about Jesus in a protestant view is nominalistic, invented on the view of the beliver even until threw away from the human’s history , but it isn’t enough because the protestant ideology denies many theologic aspects more importants, like one church, one faith, a rite of being part of Christ Church like the baptism. Also, if we look in the history of USA the protestant which come to the country never had interesst in convert the natives and kill all of them, the first christian natives was beared by catholics.
While the Catholic Church is the true church, I still think that getting part of the truth is better than none at all. Better a village become Protestant than remain pagan.
And i was called to do manual work in the program, Would this be partaking in evil?
I don’t understand this part. If they are calling you knowing that you’re Catholic, then you can evangelize too, what would be stopping you? I would assume that Protestants who call Catholics to help do not mind if they promote Catholicism, otherwise they would call only other Protestants.
Hey Cor_ad_Cor,

the team so far is quite resistant to Catholicism. and because of that i do feel afraid of being subjected to bullying as i did go through as a teen.
hello hello, yes it is a real life situation and the coordinator does not exactly agree with all of Calvin’s teachings, she believes that faith without works are dead which is good to hear. I do have a skill set that the group needs for the mission trip to work. I see more news of charismatic pentacostal christians doing really weird things and they will be there and just imagining how their group prayers will be like makes me cringe haha.
Apparently they renounced witchcraft and occultism which is good news!
We just had a chat over the phone and it was very nice to apply all that i learnt through this forum, dr brad pitre, bishop barron and ascension presents to help them understand why we do the things we do. Although the person i was corresponding with felt that the RC church is deep in error. They got me in because of a certain skill set , i wonder if they wouldn’t bring me in as a catholic if i had not this skill set.

It has been a tough day, i was bullied for being a Catholic in my teens by a senior in the army on a daily basis and i could never shake the memory off. Today i wanted to lodge an official complaint or even a police report for the religious harassment.
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