Thank you all for your support and great replies. I would have responded earlier, but I was in Rome!!! with my daughter, who is a Tech Sgt. in the Air Force, Ramstein. As a matter of fact, we saw and heard the Pope and went to Mass in St. Peter’s! It was a welcome strengthening experience, since I pretty much have to go it alone. I wish my daughter was practicing her faith, esp. since she is to be deployed to Baghdad in a few months, but God works in his own ways and I hope this was one of them.
I have been sort of out of the Catholic loop for a while, not even going to Mass. My Dad was dying from Parkinson’s, much like JPII over the last few years, and I just kind of drifted to the Presbys where he was and where there are many committed Christians, but it was just not the same. I went to Confesssion last April and am so surprized at how inwardly joyful I feel, even tho my Dad and also my Mom-in-law have died. I am so greatful that God sort of haunted me back to where I belong and has forgiven all the ways I messed up along the way.
I know my stepmother will not approve, as she is always making comments about priests liking little boys or being homosexual,and criticized the Passion movie for showing so much about Mary’s involvement. She is a fine person in many ways, but somewhat bigoted. Don’t know how that will work out. My sisters figure it’s one of my excentricities, sort of like dying my hair purple. My husband is fond of the Catholic church, and a member, but doesn’t really think about it much, just follows me around. Both daughters ID as Catholic, but nonpracticing. One son is contemplating practicing again; the other is a declared agnostic. I feel that I failed my kids somehow, but was not well taught myself and mistakenly thought the RE programs actually taught the faith. It seems they were actually almost working agains me. I did the best I knew how at the time and have to hope the seeds that were planted take root sometime.
I would hate to lose my Prot. friends who may conclude I am unappreciative of their support during my father’s illness, but know I can’t please everyone. We recently joinedan inner city parish that is very faithful to the teaching of the Church. Since I no longer have to attend to young children (they are grown) or my Dad (died), I am hoping to become involved somehow. Time will tell.
I have read all your responses on the Rome USO computer station, but so many were waiting, I did not want to take more time to respond until returning to the base. Thaks again for your welcome and helpful support. It is also comforting just to know I am not the only one in this situation.