Protestant Forums?

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Are there any protestant forums that I can have scholarly debates on? is a Non-denom site (so they say) that has live chat and message board, beware though it has the most rabid Anti-Catholics ive ever seen(some of the stuff is really offensive), i was on the live chat the other day, debating with an Evangelical about the Chruch Fathers and the primacy of Peter, this guy was pretty reasonable and by no means as hateful as the other members. I reccomend it for those willing to get the truth out in spite of all the attacks that will be thrown at you. is a Non-denom site (so they say) that has live chat and message board, beware though it has the most rabid Anti-Catholics ive ever seen(some of the stuff is really offensive), i was on the live chat the other day, debating with an Evangelical about the Chruch Fathers and the primacy of Peter, this guy was pretty reasonable and by no means as hateful as the other members. I reccomend it for those willing to get the truth out in spite of all the attacks that will be thrown at you.
:extrahappy: Thanks for the link!!!🙂
I just signed up, I can’t wait to refute the person who said Catholicism is a cult. 😃

Anyway, I love debates…
I’m over at Crosswalk sometimes…it depends on the poster. Some are reasonable. Some ignore you. Others are rabid irrationalites. 🙂

But I also see that is the 13th largest forum of any kind in the country…maybe there will be more people there.

My advice, remember to be charitable and stay on point!
Does anyone know any protestant sites that have active live chatrooms? I find live chat more effective than trying to revive a thread that was posted days, weeks, or months ago. In regards to, they have a live chatroom, not nearly as active as their forums though. 123christian so Anti-Catholic, practically every thread bashes RCC. There are a handful of Catholics that defend the faith there, believe it or not there are some dissenters who claim to be Catholic, but renounce the Churches teachings.
In regards to, they have a live chatroom, not nearly as active as their forums though. 123christian so Anti-Catholic, practically every thread bashes RCC. There are a handful of Catholics that defend the faith there, believe it or not there are some dissenters who claim to be Catholic, but renounce the Churches teachings.
I know!

But there are some really friendly (Protestants) there too, and the are welcoming to everyone including Catholics.
I got banned from Catholic forums over at Crosswalk today.

There is one poster over there who is only capable of making ad hominem attacks against Catholics and I called out his intellect for doing so. And bye-bye to me! 🙂

So I would advise against Crosswalk.
123christian looks kind of dead in terms of traffic, while the crosswalk one looks kind of weak (I dont see an Apologetics section). I havnt been part of either.

I used to be part of (Catholics are officially “Christian” over there) but things just got old. I havnt been there for about a year but Im considering going to see what has changed.

Right now Im at forums, where there are a good number of anti-Catholics with the same old songs and rants, but I think Catholics are making progress over there.

All in all, I always fall back to CAF, there is no place like home, these forums have the best quality of discussions I have found.

its a non denom Christian site with a live chat. There are 2 chat rooms, the truth (no activity) and the life, which always has people on the other day there was like 20+. Ive gotten into some good arguments over there, everyone is usually friendly (mostly evangelicals) there are a few Catholics around their also.
the good thing is that there is no registration required so you just pick a name and go in. The only bad experience I had was when I argued that the rapture was not real and just made up in the 19th century. lol (boy did I take alot of heat from those evangelicals)

its a non denom Christian site with a live chat. There are 2 chat rooms, the truth (no activity) and the life, which always has people on the other day there was like 20+. Ive gotten into some good arguments over there, everyone is usually friendly (mostly evangelicals) there are a few Catholics around their also.
the good thing is that there is no registration required so you just pick a name and go in.
There is another chat forum which is fairly new, it’s Once you are in you can pick Catholicism debate & then Is Catholicism a false religion? This was started right after the thread from msn on the Holy Father, right after he said the RCC is the only true Church.

The thread was live & it went on for over a month & had about 1700 pages, if I remember right. There were just a few Catholics on there, but I think we held our own pretty good. There was one Catholic who called herself Noelle & she was absolutely brilliant & very humorous. She is only 22 & had so much knowledge, I couldn’t believe it. I was so sorry it ended & I didn’t get to say goodbye to Noelle. I think she may have been banned on the new forum because one of the Protestants from the msn thread is one of the moderators for the new thread, and he didn’t like her. He calls himself Worthyone & he thinks he is worthy no matter what he does. Yep, you guessed it, “once saved always saved.” I’ve never seen anyone so good at twisting scripture to fit their own agenda.

The msn thread was the first one I ever posted on because my husband just got me a computer.

I am on vacation right now and won’t be back posting until Mon. the 27th of August. I hope some of you will join me on There are two former Catholics posting, Lisa is one & jschlue is another. Lisa is pretty nice but you will see that jschlue just hates the RCC.

Hope to see you there.
You might want to check out They have one area where only Baptists are allowed to post and another area where all Christians may post. You will read about concepts you never imagined existed.
Hi Zenas, thanks for the reply, I will try that forum also, maybe it will help me to see how some other Catholics answer certain questions.

I see you are from Kentucky, I was born & raised in Louisville, lived there until I was 24. I now live in Washington State & really love it here. It is very green just like KY, but we have Mt. Rainier & the Cascades & the Olymlpic Mtns. to look at all the time.

Did you happen to go to I see there is a new poster on there that may be a Catholic, his name is oneoffaith. I am hoping he will stick around & help me out, he seems really intelligent. I am close to retirement age, but I am kind of enjoying doing all of these new things. lol

Again, thanks for the reply.
Hi Zenas, thanks for the reply, I will try that forum also, maybe it will help me to see how some other Catholics answer certain questions.

I see you are from Kentucky, I was born & raised in Louisville, lived there until I was 24. I now live in Washington State & really love it here. It is very green just like KY, but we have Mt. Rainier & the Cascades & the Olymlpic Mtns. to look at all the time.

Did you happen to go to I see there is a new poster on there that may be a Catholic, his name is oneoffaith. I am hoping he will stick around & help me out, he seems really intelligent. I am close to retirement age, but I am kind of enjoying doing all of these new things. lol

Again, thanks for the reply.
This looks like a nice close nit site, I just registered under my username here at CAF, see you all around there.
AaronsStaff said:
This looks like a nice close nit site, I just registered under my username here at CAF, see you all around there.

Marytoo says:

Thank you for coming on to christianity-debate AaronsStaff. This guy, Worthy, is too deep for me to answer intelligently. I know he is wrong but I am not capable of telling him why.

If you do prove something to Worthy, he will admit that you are right, but then he will say, “But that doesn’t affect my salvation.” I proved to him on the msn thread that the Bible doesn’t condemn Catholics calling our priests Father & it doesn’t condemn repetitious prayers. He fought both of these tooth & nail & then gave the above response.

Anyway, I hope you have better luck with him than I have. I feel it is so important to win this because there are two former Catholics on the site & maybe they would come back to the Church if we can show them that Worthy is wrong. One of them, jschlue, I can tell is a young man and he just hates the CAtholic Church now.

I just posted a huge thing on that forum, with a ton evidence supporting my position, on which bible is correct, Catholic/non catholic.

By the way I turned 16 today !!!😃
Hi AaronsStaff, I hope you have a happy, holy, & blessed birthday. 👍 Remember to thank your Mom. lol

I will read what you posted after I feed my hubby his dinner.

I wanted to tell you, I have mentioned the early Church Fathers & posted some of them for Worthy on the msn thread & now this new one, but he never seems interested. I recommended several books on the other thread, but he said he wasn’t interested in any Catholic books, he said it with great disdain. lol

A little more info for you, Buddy is a woman & belongs to the 7th day Adventist church. She is pretty nice, but very anti-Catholic in her postings. Actually she isn’t as bad now as she was on the other thread.

Will e-mail you after I read your posts.

Have a nice evening & eat a piece of cake for me. lol
Are there any protestant forums that I can have scholarly debates on?
Be careful how you filling up the application form when you try to register on the Evangelical Fundamentalists Forums.
I did not pass the registration examin once , and they did not let me be the member.😉 😃
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