Protestant Reformation Map

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Staff member
Just something interesting I found on Wikipedia. Thankfully it didn’t stay this widespread. I might say “nadir” instead of “peak”, but whatever, here it is for your perusal.

Southeastern Poland with Calvinists is an interesting thing to contemplate.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Just something interesting I found on Wikipedia. Thankfully it didn’t stay this widespread. I might say “nadir” instead of “peak”, but whatever, here it is for your perusal.

Southeastern Poland with Calvinists is an interesting thing to contemplate.

Also note that in Romania (Transylvania) were Unitarian, Calvinist, and Lutheran.
Also note that in Romania (Transylvania) were Unitarian, Calvinist, and Lutheran.
Depraved vampires. (I know - I’m a day or 2 late for the Halloween jokes, but I couldn’t resist.)
Interesting to see Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania as Protestant in that map. I wonder if they still are or are Eastern Orthodox now.
Interesting to see Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania as Protestant in that map. I wonder if they still are or are Eastern Orthodox now.
Lithuania is overwhelmingly Catholic. Estonia and Latvia are mixed Lutheran, Catholic, and Orthodox (as witnessed by the supposedly fictitious “Latvian Orthodox Church” in an episode of Seinfeld, which, as it turns out, actually exists!)
Some areas were classified on the basis of “Cuius Regio, Euius Religio”
Meaning the ruler’s religion becomes everyone’s religion, at least on paper.
Enforcement likely varied a lot.

So it’s hard to say which parts reflect the current dominant faith of a plurality of people.
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Interesting to see Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania as Protestant in that map. I wonder if they still are
In the Protestant monastery near where I live (in Western Switzerland), a lot of the novices and younger sisters, most of whom land here through a first contact with the community in Taizé, are from Central Europe, Scandinavia or Baltic countries.
Some areas were classified on the basis of “Cuius Regio, Euius Religio”
Meaning the ruler’s religion becomes everyone’s religion, at least on paper.
Enforcement likely varied a lot.

So it’s hard to say which parts reflect the current dominant faith of a plurality of people.
I am so thankful we have moved beyond that kind of feudal ignorance.
We have a few here, although exclusively feminine. Post-Vatican II ecumenism had the (positive, I think) effect of making historical Protestant traditions realize they might have thrown out the baby with the bathwater when they emptied the monasteries.

Protestant churches are still waiting for their masculine orders, though. Protestant men with a monastic vocation mostly go to Taizé or Bose, both ecumenical communities, or become hermits.
We have a few here, although exclusively feminine. Post-Vatican II ecumenism had the (positive, I think) effect of making historical Protestant traditions realize they might have thrown out the baby with the bathwater when they emptied the monasteries.

Protestant churches are still waiting for their masculine orders, though. Protestant men with a monastic vocation mostly go to Taizé or Bose, both ecumenical communities, or become hermits.
There is no reason, in the nature of things, why Protestants could not have monastic communities that seek to follow perfectly the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. However, as a general rule, the more conservative evangelicals (Baptists, Pentecostals, Holiness et al) just make the assumption that everybody gets married and, if nature permits, have children. I have to wonder how comfortable a church home they are for involuntarily same-sex-attracted people who choose to obey the Scriptures and live celibately, rather than offend God by practicing sodomy. “Back in the day” many of them just went ahead and got married, possibly taking their SSA to the grave with them.
However, as a general rule, the more conservative evangelicals (Baptists, Pentecostals, Holiness et al ) just make the assumption that everybody gets married and, if nature permits, have children.
Yes. In fact, some historians argue that the Protestant reformation did not so much empty the monasteries as turn whole societies into communities of sorts, regulated by a common set of rules, where marriage and family life were seen as the main path to holiness.
Lithuania is overwhelmingly Catholic. Estonia and Latvia are mixed Lutheran, Catholic, and Orthodox (as witnessed by the supposedly fictitious “Latvian Orthodox Church” in an episode of Seinfeld , which, as it turns out, actually exists! )
Thanks for that info. I wouldn’t have guessed that.
In the Protestant monastery near where I live (in Western Switzerland
This in itself is intriguing.
You might find this interesting.

None of those countries are primarily Eastern Orthodox.

Some 2011 Statistics
Estonia: 16% Orthodox, 10% Lutheran
Latvia: 34% Lutheran, 24% Catholic, 19% Orthodox
Lithuania: 77% Catholic, 5% Orthodox
Southeastern Poland with Calvinists is an interesting thing to contemplate.
That’s because it’s not “southeastern Poland.”

The ‘problem’ with this map is that it purports to depict the state of affairs in the 16th and early 17th centuries, but it shows the political boundaries of the present day.

What you’re seeing as ‘Poland’ looks to me more like Lithuania (of that period). And, in the late 1500s, Calvinism took root there.
Lithuania is overwhelmingly Catholic.
Today. In the 1500s, not as much.
Southeastern Poland with Calvinists is an interesting thing to contemplate.
That’s because it’s not “southeastern Poland.”

The ‘problem’ with this map is that it purports to depict the state of affairs in the 16th and early 17th centuries, but it shows the political boundaries of the present day.

What you’re seeing as ‘Poland’ looks to me more like Lithuania (of that period). And, in the late 1500s, Calvinism took root there.
Well, ceteris paribus — all other things held constant, wars, partitions, border redrawings, etc., southeastern Poland would have been Calvinist today.

I have a really hard time squinting my eyes and imagining that.

FWIW, I was married in southeastern Poland and my son’s grandparents live there. I can’t see Babcia as a Calvinist.
Lithuania is overwhelmingly Catholic.
Today. In the 1500s, not as much.
Again, referring to today’s Lithuania, given all the other historical events between then and now.
Well, ceteris paribus — all other things held constant, wars, partitions, border redrawings, etc., southeastern Poland would have been Calvinist today.

I have a really hard time squinting my eyes and imagining that.
So, if you want to make the case that “once those lands became Poland once again, and once Poland dealt with Communism, nevertheless we should expect that this area would still be largely Calvinist”… then I’d say that you’re misreading the map and what it’s trying to say to us.
FWIW, I was married in southeastern Poland and my son’s grandparents live there. I can’t see Babcia as a Calvinist.
Her great-great-great-great-great-…-great grandparents might have been, though.
Again, referring to today’s Lithuania, given all the other historical events between then and now.
Noted. That’s why I think that the map is misleading, at best. It causes us to want to impose modern-day realities on the context of 16th/17th century Europe.
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