Protestant Struggling After Marian Dream

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It’s been awhile Catholic Forums. I joined back in August of 2018, whilst I was fervently preparing to join the Roman church. Shortly after posting in here, I began RCIA and had already started to pray the rosary morning and evening, a devotion I held on to every day for two months straight. While I say I began RCIA, I only truly agreed upon a start date. The evening before I was to begin, I heard a sermon at a Christian Campus organization on the Glory of God and felt convicted that I had been magnifying the Saints Triumphant to a place that they did not deserve, with my consistent requests for St. Mary’s and St. Augustine’s prayers. At that moment I basically ghosted the Roman Catholic Church. I have not spoken with a Roman Priest since, but rather found myself being baptized with a Reformed Baptist congregation before leaving them and winding up with an ACNA (Anglican Church in North America) parish due to my conviction concerning the 7 Sacraments and Apostolic Succession. The past 9 months I’ve been relatively content to be honest, but an experience a couple months ago keeps bothering me.

I do not generally remember my dreams so having a vivid one that I remember as such strikes me greatly. Basically, my girlfriend and I entered a classroom and were told that there were assigned seats so we split up to find our own seats which made us a bit sad, but oh well. There were nametags on the wall, hundreds of them but not enough chairs. I found my nametag and then felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned and saw Archbishop Foley Beach (the Archbishop over the ACNA). He told me that someone had a favor to ask of me. Suddenly this beautiful woman appeared. Her skin literally glowed like stars. She was dressed in white and just wow. The most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She looked me in the eyes and smiled. Then she said “Take my baby.” I was so shocked I woke up immediately and prayed to God. Thanking Him for what had occurred. Initially I thought that the woman was the Church, but the moment I started telling my friend about it he knew I was visited by the Blessed Virgin.

Nothing heretical was asked of me and She did not even directly tell me to come to Rome, and yet it feels so strange. The day after my friend interpreted my dream, I went online and prayed the rosary for the first time in over a year. I honestly loved every minute of it and felt good about doing so, but I stopped myself from doing so again. Am I missing something? Should I not concern myself with this, as if the BVM had never visited me and called me to take up Christ? I know its an odd question to ask here, but since she did not tell me to bow to Rome, is that something I should not even be worrying about?

I honestly just want some Roman responses to all this, I’ve had plenty of Protestant.
To me it sounds like our Blessed Mother is calling you into the fullness of the Catholic Church.

Mary was given to us at the foot of the Cross to be our Mother. She truly is.

May Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you on your spiritual journey…
What a beautiful dream! I cant really say what your path is…I was brought into the RC Church at age 42, so I know some of the struggles/obstacles (mine very different from yours but I “get it” nonetheless). However, I knew it was an unstoppable path, and that Ive entered “the fullness of the faith”.

Im in awe of your beautiful dream!

God Bless You…
You join a church because it’s True.

What happens if you see the Buddha in a dream?
Well this is something entirely different. Christianity is true. St. Mary is a true Saint and so it is more a plausibility for God to allow her to come to someone in a dream than for God to allow Buddah. If I wasn’t sure that this was a God-sent dream I would not be bothered by it.
The RCC encourages caution when interpreting dreams.

I wouldn’t want to make a life decision base on a dream.
Of course not. As I alluded to, there’s been a lot more than just a dream in the past 3 years. I’m not even sure if I’m gonna swim any rivers as is. I was just curious about a Roman response to stuff.
You’d be best off asking this question of Jesus and Mother Mary.

Ask them to help you and guide you on the right path.

I tend to agree with Dorothy, but in the end you need to make the decision, we cannot tell you what to do.
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Personally, I feel that people tend to overly credit their dreams. 99.99% of the time they are simply our brains processing information and thoughts; they are rarely true visions.

OP, it seems to me that you are searching for the truth and you ought to continue to learn and research until you find it. If I may suggest a resource, I am currently reading ‘Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary’ and I’m finding it very enlightening as someone who came to the Church from a Protestant tradition. Here’s a great 4 minute summary of the book:

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She looked me in the eyes and smiled. Then she said “Take my baby.”
How do you know she isn’t simply telling you to pay more attention to Jesus and not her? To do all He wants you to do, follow where He leads you, to grow with Him, take Him and not worry so much on her?

“Do whatever He tells you.”John 2:5

When a mother hands you her child, she expect you to protect and care for her child. Maybe you need to pay more attention her Baby.
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Perhaps it is a realization of the purpose of Marian devotion and devotion to the saints: to lead us to Christ.
That is why we have such devotions. They bring us closer to Christ.

Also, please stop referring to the Catholic Church as “Rome”. We are Catholic and for all people, with various rites.
What a beautiful dream! I would just allow it to make your love of Mary more personal. One time during a surgery when I was sedated I dreamed Jesus gave me a word of encouragement for my husband. When I shared the words with my husband, he cried. Must have been what he needed to hear. Like others have said, I wouldn’t base any life decisions on dreams. But that also don’t mean we toss them out. If it makes God a r Mary more personal and real that’s great! And you can go about your journey of Faith with that gift “in your pocket,” so to speak.
While I agree with many here on how dreams can be very dangerous, it seems to me that if it really were supernatural (not saying it was or wasnt), Mary is calling you to recieve the Eucharist.

Beware though, one must be careful to recieve it as worthy of a state of being as possible. Of course, nobody is truly worthy, but I would say just look into catholic teaching on confession if you do decide to take this route.

But otherwise, I hope your journey takes you far in your faith!
Pray for discernment. Do not be anxious, but patiently ponder all this in your heart.
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