Two principle theological products of Protestanism are Justification by faith alone (sola fide), and the Bible as the sole rule of faith(sola scriptura). The problem is that for nearly 1500 years you cannot find a shred of evidence that Christians believed either of one of these doctrines. The notion that man is justified through a legal declarative act by God, apart from good works done with a heart full of grace is simply not existent for roughly 1500 years. The notion that scripture alone was the sole rule of faith aprt from the oral teachings preserved through the Church is also not existent. In order to believe this and become or stay a Protestant one wiould have to essential argue like a Mormon. Mormons believe that there was a great apostacy in the early CHurch and the truth was restored by God through the Mormon church. Protestants and Catholics are quick to point out to Mormons that this cannot be biblical because Christ said that the Spirit will be with us always. In Protestanism you would have to argue the same way. Becuase you cant find two of their most important doctrines for roughly 1500’s. Cardinal Neuman was correct “The realiazation of history is the end of Protestanism.”