We do know that the Church is instituted for the salvation of all, and all who are saved are saved through the instrumentality of the Church, whether they realize it or not.
This is a wonderful ‘translation’ of ‘no salvation outside the Church’. The very existence of the Church is evidence of God’s plan of salvation for all souls, regardless of the categories they belong to. If anything, the mentality of the Church is so overwhelmingly open to ALL people, that it doesn’t distinguish its work from the work of God Himself, for only God is good and only God can guide us in grace to commincate his love and salvation to others.
Protestants are saved through the Catholic Church, even though they may reject it on some levels because they adhere to the Church’s written tradition, the Bible. The Church has declaired many many times that the Bible contains material sufficient data for salvation, that is, in it is found the question ‘how can I be saved?’ and the answer of course is Jesus Christ.
I partly blame the western idea of classification for the confusion. We simply must categorize people. It’s a shame really, because as stated above, we think people are ‘isms’ and that ‘isms’ are what matters (or don’t matter).
People have many reasons for why they are or are not ‘Catholic’, but I’d have to say that, for the most part, Catholics themselves are and have been the biggest stumbling block for non-believers and protestants. I mean, who wants to belong to an institution that actively abused its authority, burned heretics and witches, and faught bloody battles and performed strange acts of charity like the funding of St. Peter’s Basillica by selling Indulgences?
The scandals of the Church are many, and they DO affect people’s perception of the Church. Are they over-reacting? In my opinion, yes, because Christ already warned us the Church would undergo trials and that it would not be totally perfect…that is why Christ had to continually remind the Apostles that He would
always be with them - there would be no reason for that statement unless Jesus knew it would be a hard road. Besides, protestants could
never compare their lives to Catholics and expect to look any better…that would be, um, not only totally erroneous but terribly presumptuous if not totally irrelavent becuase, we are not saved by
works or ‘living a good life’ are we?
Grace comes to us from God through his Church, not a ‘book’ - the ‘book’ tells us this!