I have been feeling depressed from reading the many negative posts on CAF. Today, during the Office of Readings I prayed psalm 103. “It is he who forgives all your guilt and who heals every one of your ills”. Despite the many issues we face, we know he will forgive us and show us his love and compassion. Can we do the same to others?
I have read people who believe that everyone must worship and act the same way as they believe. Some believe the Luminous Mysteries are really not part of the rosary tradition. We need to change or add prayers to the rosary. You must only pray in Latin or it is not traditional Catholic prayer. The OF, Anglican Ordinate, and the Charismatic Renewal are protestant and not really Catholic. Others believe that we should work toward unification with our brothers and sisters in Christ. How can we become a united church if we decide only one way is allowed?
“The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy. He does not treat us according to our sins nor repay us according to our faults.” I realize many are upset about the abuse that has happened in our Church. That does not give them a license to treat others poorly. It was human beings who failed, not just homosexuals. One of my former pastors had sex with a female and was on the list of accused clergy. Let us stop blaming all members of a group as responsible. Some have called for not supporting the diocese or church entities. We would be hurting others who need services from the church. Only 53% of CAF members would be willing to support the pope by fasting. Yet, we want him to do more. What do you plan to do to make the church better other than complain?