Psst...Guess What

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I’m Catholic!

In mind, body, and soul!

Okay, not officially. But as I cried my eyes out during Easter Vigil I vowed myself along with those who were being confirmed. I am so ready, I wish I had been able to be confirmed this past weekend. I am excited though. Because I have found the Truth! Praise God for leading me Home! I may not be there yet, but I will be in God’s time! And I’m excited!
Congrads and welcome home. BTW what parish did you attend?
I went to St. Hugh’s in my hometown. Part of the Pittsburgh diocese. I’ll be received into the Greensburg diocese though, since I thats the area I live in.
:blessyou: It is a very exciting journey you are embarking on-Great News and welcome!
Not to take away from the excitement (Congrats) but I live in the Greensburg Diocese…small world.

Congratz I’m happy for you. I got confirmed last year at the Easter vigil at my Parish. It felt so good. Now i am invovlved in three ministries. CCe, R.C.I.a, and Ushering. which i love doing. It just happened so face but i’m ready to this for the Lord.
Cool! I’m in Indiana, Pa right now.
I am currently in Greensburg.

Actually, I was working the other day (EMT for a big private ambulance company) and we had a call for a diabetic emergency at the Cathedral. They were practicing for Easter Vigil when we got there.

I’m Catholic!

In mind, body, and soul!

Okay, not officially. But as I cried my eyes out during Easter Vigil I vowed myself along with those who were being confirmed. I am so ready, I wish I had been able to be confirmed this past weekend. I am excited though. Because I have found the Truth! Praise God for leading me Home! I may not be there yet, but I will be in God’s time! And I’m excited!
:extrahappy: :extrahappy: :clapping: :bounce: :gopray2: :harp:
The “Living Waters” were moving right through you, I’d say!
Please pray for those who are looking for a ‘church’. My fundie neighbor just told me they are now looking for a church. I’ve been praying for her to be shown the Truth about Mary and thus, the RCC. I wonder if this is an opening for me to somehow bring up the RCC? She has been defensive in the past about Mary “worship”; I don’t think she knows how to graciously defend what she believes - too emotional.

I was thinking about asking her (and her dh) about how they go about analyzing or deciding what congregation they would join. What’s more important; what feelings they get from being there, or; is the Truth being taught. She believes they have Jesus present in the bread where they were.

Any other ideas?? I know I must fast and pray more. I’ve been listening to Open Line for some time, and feel I could answer many of the usual misperceptions that fundies use (have also read Keatings’ Catholicism and Fundamentalism). I have that ‘cheat-sheet’, too, in case I get stuck.

I’m so happy for you. It is a good thing to be on fire for the Lord .:amen: :blessyou:
My fundie neighbor just told me they are now looking for a church. I’ve been praying for her to be shown the Truth about Mary and thus, the RCC. I wonder if this is an opening for me to somehow bring up the RCC? She has been defensive in the past about Mary “worship”; I don’t think she knows how to graciously defend what she believes - too emotional.
Any other ideas?? I know I must fast and pray more. I’ve been listening to Open Line for some time, and feel I could answer many of the usual misperceptions that fundies use (have also read Keatings’ Catholicism and Fundamentalism). I have that ‘cheat-sheet’, too, in case I get stuck.

Do y’all have kids that can play together? I’ve found the best time to discuss the RCC with my neighbor is sitting in plastic chairs in the cul-de-sac while our kids play.
I am sooo excited for you! You are so very blest that you fully understand what you will be receiving when you are Confirmed in the Catholic Faith. I was a teenager when I received it, and I knew that there was something special about it, but I didn’t understand. You will be so overcome with the emotions and realization of how truly God has blest you with such a great Sacrament! In His mercy and greatness, you are at last in the Catholic Faith 🙂

St. John 3:5 “Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost (Confirmation) he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God”
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