My brother was visiting yesterday with his son who was joking about all the interest his 13yr. old sister is generating and of his intention to protect her from would-be suitors. I said if he was worried about her chastity Pure Love by Jason Evert was a good book for her to read. I had read it several years before and thought it an excellent guidebook for teenagers about proper conduct while dating so I ran to my bookshelf and handed him a copy to bring home to his sister. The next day the booklet was at my doorstep with a note: “Please let me parent my children regarding such sensitive issues as pre-marital and teen sex. I realize you mean well but this is an issue for parents not relatives.” There was nothing sneaky about this as my brother was sitting a the table when I came down with the book and put it right down in full view for him to see.
This is a sex-saturated culture and realistically speaking the children have already been indoctrinated with pre-marital sex in school and every time they watch tv. It never dawned on me any Catholic parent wouldn’t be happy with the booklet Pure Love. I thought it was a beautiful, generous gift.
This is a sex-saturated culture and realistically speaking the children have already been indoctrinated with pre-marital sex in school and every time they watch tv. It never dawned on me any Catholic parent wouldn’t be happy with the booklet Pure Love. I thought it was a beautiful, generous gift.