Purgative, Illuminative, and Unitive Phases of Spiritual Journey

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I read about the book offering by Catholic Answers written by Father Benedict Groeschel regarding the different spiritual stages.

I am wondering if anyone has read it and found it to have helped them advance in their spiritual life.

Many thanks in advance for your replies and have a happy and blessed New Year.
Mike, do you know when this book was written?

My family and I sure love this wonderful priest.

Dear Mike,

I did a search in Catholic Answers’ Shop for Father Groschel’s books, and there were none listed that fit your description. Perhaps you could give us more information?

Until then, I highly recommend a classic which is still in print and available at Amazon.com, called “The Spiritual Life” by Rev. Adolph Tanquerey. This book was required reading by seminarians as they prepared for the priesthood, because it touched on so many aspects of the spiritual life.

You will find complete and lengthly chapters devoted to the purgative, illuminative, and unitive stages of prayer. It also treats of the cardinal virtues, capital sins and methods of overcoming them, and many other wonderful spiritual helps as one journeys to God.
Testing . . .

For some reason, post #3 did not register on the index. Just testing to see what happens with #4 . . .
The book you’re looking for may be “Spiritual Pagssages”, which I think Fr. Groeschel wrote about 15 or 20 years ago. I read it a while back and thought it was very interesting as a topic, but not too applicable personally as I’m not very far along in all this. Hope this helps.
I saw this from the monthly e-mail I receive from Catholic Answers. It was listed on some sort of sale.

I made mistake in that it is actually a CD set called “Spirituality for Beginners,” not a book. Regardless, thanks for the suggestions. I will keep looking for something good.
Spiritual Passages, the Psychology of Spiritual Development, “for those who seek”, crossroads publishing NY 1999 isbn 0824506286 (paper)

what a coincidence, this is the book I took with me on retreat this weekend. I had read the second section, on the 3 stages, and now wanted to revist the first section, on psychological aspects of spiritual development. do it right, read the whole book, it is excellent.
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