Purity is About The Heart

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Here is an article that appeared in Australian Catholic News that I found of interest…



June 19, 2005

In the early 1960’s, Michel Quoist wrote a book entitled, Prayers, which became immensely popular. The book combined rare depth with a language bordering on poetry. One of the prayers in the book speaks of our struggle for purity - purity of heart, of body, of intention:

I’ve given you all, but it’s hard, Lord.

It’s hard to give one’s body, it would like to give itself to others.

It’s hard to love everyone and claim no one.

It’s hard to shake a hand and not want to retain it.

It’s hard to inspire affection, only to give it to you.

It’s hard to be nothing to oneself in order to be everything to others.

It’s hard to be like others, among others, but to be other.

It’s hard always to give without trying to receive.

It’s hard to seek out others and be, oneself, unsought …

That describes perhaps our deepest struggle in life and in love. We struggle with purity, though we rarely admit it.

Today the word purity has taken on mainly negative connotations. It’s understood as a sexual concept and is mostly seen as negative. For many people it connotes fear, timidity, and a certain uptightness about sex and life. The popular culture almost ridicules purity and it’s rare that a critically-acclaimed movie, a major novel, or a renowned artist captures its essence aesthetically, celebrates its beauty, and challenges us with its importance.

That’s sad, really, because our lack of purity is, I believe, is one of the deep causes of sadness in our lives. There’s a difference, as we know, between pleasure and happiness. Bracketing purity can sometimes be the route to pleasure, but it’s never a road to happiness. Lack of purity always brings a sadness.

What is purity? First of all, it’s not primarily about sex, though because our sexual desires are so powerful we often compromise our purity in sex. And here, despite all our claims of how free and liberated we are, we still sense the value of purity, however inchoately. Indeed the idea that sex is somehow dirty never quite disappears. Deep down, we still long for purity, though mostly we don’t understand what we’re longing for. What we long for is not immunity from the earthiness of sex, but purity of heart, chastity of intention. The deep-seated idea that sex is dirty has, I suspect, more to do with millennia of bad hygiene than with the aesthetics and morality of sex… Sex isn’t bad, but our intentions can be.

Continued in next Post …
Continuation of Article on Purity…
Part 2

“Blessed are the pure of heart, they shall see God!” Those words come from Jesus and contain more challenge than we imagine. Purity isn’t just a route we need to go if we want to see God, it’s also a practical secret for tasting happiness in this life. Purity is what takes manipulation out of our relationships and sadness out of our lives. How?

Purity is not so much about sex as it is about intention. We need a certain purity and chastity of intention or we will always manipulate others in everything, including sex. We are pure when our hearts don’t greedily or prematurely grab what isn’t theirs. As Quoist so aptly puts it,we are pure when we can grasp a hand and not try to retain it, when we can love without being over-possessive, serve without being manipulative, and when we no longer try to make other people orbit around us as their center. We are pure when we stop using others for our own enhancement, whatever that might be. We become more pure as we become less manipulative in relationships.

But that’s hard to do. It’s hard to do in love and sex because of the fierce, restless, and sometimes obsessive desires and jealousies we feel there. But it’s hard to be pure in any aspect of our lives. We live with such powerful desires to drink in everything and everybody that it’s easy to be manipulative, to be blind to what we’re doing to others as we struggle to create meaning, pleasure, and power for ourselves. It’s easy to have a sense of entitlement, to be angry, to be bitter, to be jealous, to be driven by the search for pleasure or power, to use others for our own enhancement, to be so addicted to the pursuit of experience and sophistication that we sacrifice even our happiness on that altar. It’s easy to be impure.

And it’s also easy to be sad and unhappy, right within the experience of pleasure. Impurity can bring a certain richness of experience, a certain sophistication, and a certain pleasure. Adam and Eve’s eyes were opened, not closed, after their sin and one suspects, despite the pictures in our early catechisms, that their new-found sophistication helped block any real remorse. Impurity does open one’s eyes…But it also brings a certain sadness, a cynicism, a split inside of ourselves, and a lack of self-worth into our lives.

Having a sense of our own dignity is predicated upon a certain purity. Impurity never lets us feel good about ourselves.

Regards Barb
St. Anthony Zaccariah Pray for Us
That’s Beautiful…so meaningful.
Amen to that!..
…with some Posts, Threads, articles etc. I come across I print them and put them into a plastic sleeved binder which are cheap to buy here in Australia (about $1 sometimes less). Here we can purchase the clear plastic sleeves for roughly $1 which contain 20 clear plastic sleeves as extra sheets in these binders. I index these binders myself according to subject…some subjects have their own binder. I find this extremely helpful in many ways, including spiritual reading.
I have only given the article on Purity I have Posted as a Thread in this Forum a rather quick read…later today I will spend more time on a careful read…and perhaps comment…I’ll see what unfolds…

Here is a reading and homily f rom : Daily Homily about…WRESTLING WITH GOD, CHOICES, DECISIONS ETC…link…


GENESIS 32:23-33

In the course of the night, Jacob arose, took his two wives, with the

two maidservants and his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the

Jabbok. After he had taken them across the stream and had brought

over all his possessions, Jacob was left there alone. Then some man

wrestled with him until the break of dawn. When the man saw that he

could not prevail over him, he struck Jacob’s hip at its socket, so

that the hip socket was wrenched as they wrestled. The man then

said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob said, "I will not

let you go until you bless me." The man asked, “What is your name?”

He answered, “Jacob.” Then the man said, "You shall no longer be

spoken of as Jacob, but as Israel, because you have contended with

divine and human beings and have prevailed." Jacob then asked

him, “Do tell me your name, please.” He answered, "Why should you

want to know my name?" With that, he bade him farewell. Jacob named

the place Peniel, “Because I have seen God face to face,” he

said, “yet my life has been spared.” At sunrise, as he left Penuel,

Jacob limped along because of his hip. That is why, to this day, the

children of Israel do not eat the sciatic muscle that is on the hip

socket, inasmuch as Jacob’s hip socket was struck at the sciatic



The events of yesterday’s first reading and today’s are separated by

about twenty years. Jacob had hurriedly fled from his homeland

because Esau, furious about being cheated of his birthright, had

threatened to kill him.

During these twenty years Jacob had become very wealthy, to a great

extent because of his clever manipulation of people with whom he did

business. Now the patriarch is returning to the Promise Land. He’s

fearful, dreadfully fearful that he will be encountering Esau once

again. Just before today’s reading Jacob pleads with Yahweh to

protect him from Esau’s clutches. (As it turns out, he need not have

worried. Esau was delighted to be reunited with his bother after

twenty years of separation.)

The incident described in today’s first reading is quite mysterious.

The person who enters into an all night wrestling match with Jacob is

not identified in the text. In general, however, commentators tend to

see Jacob’s foe as God himself. God’s struggle with Jacob is an

attempt to induce him to undergo a conversion.

Before this incident Jacob had been a wheeling-dealing rogue. He

lived by his wits but his wits were innocent of all ethical and moral

restraints. After this incident Jacob became a model of propriety,

behaving as one would expect the patriarch of a great nation to

behave. The wrestling match with God symbolizes a moral crisis in

Jacob’s life, inner turmoil at a time when he struggled with God,

each wanting to possess his soul.

During the struggle Jacob clung determinedly to his foe and insisted

he would not let him go unless he would first bless him. Yahweh did

bless him, changing his name to Israel, which means "one who has

contended with God." Jacob emerges from this inner turmoil wounded,

but victorious, for he has won a blessing from God. God too is

victorious, for Jacob is now Israel, the patriarch who will cooperate

with Yahweh in establishing a nation that will be God’s own people.

God has often struggled with each of us. And his motivation is

pretty much the same as when he struggled with Jacob. He wants us to

undergo conversion. Perhaps things would go better with us, were we,

in the midst of what might be, perhaps even a titanic struggle with

God, were we to ask of God a blessing.


"Lord, may your kingdom come to all who are oppressed and in

darkness. Fill my heart with compassion for the lonely, the

oppressed, and for those around me who do not know your love and

freedom. Use me to bring the good news of your saving love and

“Having a sense of our own dignity asks purity………………impurity never lets us feel good about ourselves.”

I think purity is a full awareness of what is and a willingness to state what is. I see myself as sinner and sinful (two words that cover a multitude of words!!!)………….but I see myself with the eyes of Faith and my Hope in my Faith reveals through Faith, God’s Mercy on a sinner who is loved and appreciated by God …………… and it is that love that saves me through His Mercy. But I myself can claim naught but my own sinfulness if I stand alone and t hen I see myself in the light of God’s Fearful Judgement. In fact I stand under both………God’s Judgement and His Mercy…………….but let us praise and give thanks, for His Commitment to us is that His Mercy will outweigh what His Justice owes to us!!! Let us then place our Hope in what our Faith teaches us.

Impurity or lack of full awareness sees only one’s sinfulness and is bowed down by it because of Go d’s Judgement that rests upon one (and only half of the truth) …………. So when I stand alone I pray for purity……….that I shall see myself in the light of God’s Loving Mercy revealed to us in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus, The Lord…………I then see myself as loved and appreciated and saved by love through Mercy. God will not act usually outside of our free will……contrary to it. And so consciously we place our Hope in what our Faith teaches us ……… even if we fail to feel it!!!

Further, I pray that all wouldst see themselves in the light of God’s Loving Mercy and so know peace, happiness and joy.

Reality as a total concept must include God……….for God is Ultimate Reality.

The Reality towards which all realities grow, point. In fact Ultimate Reality is another term for God. ‘God’ is f rom Greek meaning the called and the calling. As we desire to know Truth (God, Ultimate Reality), so Truth (God Ultimate Reality desires to know us. The called and the calling. And as appeared in another thread, the absurd!!! ( to our logic!) ……. For why should Truth desire to know and love us as He does! “who are we” asks St. Paul “ why you have made us little less than gods?”

That The Second Person of The Blessed Trinity becomes a human being like us is an absolutely stupendous, amazing and stunning concept and Truth…why did this happen?.. because He Loves us!..stupendous, amazing, stunning! Let us praise The Lord and give Him thanks!

I hope that makes sense!

Barb smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_28_121.gif
There is a quote somewhere…I think it came from This Rock…if someone remembers it that’d be great…it was something like “I realized that the smile on the saints faces in artwork was not because they had everything but because they knew that to indulge in sin is to not be truly happy.” Something like that.
There is a quote somewhere…I think it came from This Rock…if someone remembers it that’d be great…it was something like “I realized that the smile on the saints faces in artwork was not because they had everything but because they knew that to indulge in sin is to not be truly happy.” Something like that.
Hello Sanctus…it sounds pretty right to me…everytime I’m unhappy sin has surfaced somewhere…while still not having learnt the full lesson that if I want to be happy avoid it!

God is so good that even if we no long have our physical purity, the Lord can restore the purity to our souls. God is so amazing and awesome!
God is so good that even if we no long have our physical purity, the Lord can restore the purity to our souls. God is so amazing and awesome!
Amen to that !!!

Hello there EsclavoDeCristo…I cottoned on to your signature … I hope that St. Paul is right that His Power is made strong in weakness … I hope !!! and my hope is in what my Faith tells me … feelings drag me elsewhere!!!..its a roller coaster ride at times…downhill with shouts of joy…uphill just a huffin and a puffin and pushing ourselves along like a barrel of lead pushed uphill! … …for I certainly dont feel good and virtuous having done what is right … I feel lousy and dejected. But been to lousy and dejected often enough to know it passes, which doesn’t make it any easier to tolerate. Just wanted to have a moan and a groan…and the honesty of that statement raised a smile!!!..thank you for the signature and the timely reminder of what is! smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_12_11.gif

Regards Barb

Send regards, Barb
Amen to that !!!

Hello there EsclavoDeCristo…I cottoned on to your signature … I hope that St. Paul is right that His Power is made strong in weakness … I hope !!! and my hope is in what my Faith tells me … feelings drag me elsewhere!!!..its a roller coaster ride at times…downhill with shouts of joy…uphill just a huffin and a puffin and pushing ourselves along like a barrel of lead pushed uphill! … …for I certainly dont feel good and virtuous having done what is right … I feel lousy and dejected. But been to lousy and dejected often enough to know it passes, which doesn’t make it any easier to tolerate. Just wanted to have a moan and a groan…and the honesty of that statement raised a smile!!!..thank you for the signature and the timely reminder of what is! smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_12_11.gif

Regards Barb

Send regards, Barb
God is good! When in dispair and sadness, look at a crucifix and remember how much God loves you! :gopray:
God is good! When in dispair and sadness, look at a crucifix and remember how much God loves you! :gopray:
…yes! my very first recollection of anything religious was a crucifix…and when I am down, sad and dejected…all those down negative type things…I remind myself that Calvary and the cross was no picnic for Jesus…I have a factual account of Roman crucifixion here in Bethany that would curdle the tummy…no Calvary was no picnic for the fully human like me Jesus…it was hell!..nor did he endure it in great consolation…but physical agony and abandonment…these things I remind myself…and you know what, it does not help me to feel any better…but I remind myself too that God knows what He is about who knows if a hair falls from my head! Suffering would not truly be suffering if we did not suffer! …huh?

But I am feeling much better now thank you and due to the helpful and encouraging words of quite a few in these Forums…channels of God’s Grace…none undergoes what is beyond their means, thanks to God’s Grace, to pass through it…says I of my meagre trial!

Oremus! … Deo gratius!

Barb smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/17/17_1_11.gif
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