Hi…my :twocents:
Fulfillment is just what the word implies…being 'full", feeling like we are “filled” to capacity with joy, which comes from God as his Gift for being in His will for us. Which, as has been pointed out - has nothing to do with happiness. We can feel fulfilled in our work - but not be happy at having to go there everyday. We can feel fulfilled at helping someone through a difficult place in life - but not be happy about their situation, or our exposure to it. We can feel fulfillment after confession, but not be happy about the sins that put us there, or having to go to confession at all. We CAN be happy that there is the sacrament of confession to go to, we Can be happy that we were in a place to help someone, and we Can be happy that we have a job to go to.
Does that help?
I feel, myself - getting back to the thread topic - that the purpose of Life is God. In the sense that we are put here to encounter, experience, and - through Christ and the Saints (Mary Included) overcome Evil. To CHOOSE to Love God, and deny evil (Sin). God desires our pure love - not obligatory, not coerced (Love me or die kind of thing) but us choosing, of our own God given free will, to Love Him because He IS. To become perfected through the struggles encountered, and lead others to the same unity with God that we have.
We have the option of rejecting Him, and taking our reward now (Somewhere in scripture, in talking about the riches of the world, Jesus said “Truly I say to you - they have their reward”) and that is our option - of our own free will. But then, we are struggling against Gods will - as He is not willing that any should perish. Still, we have choice.
That’s my opinion