purpose of long term unemployment

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What is the purpose of long term unemployment? Does God not realize people need to work for a living? It is not like I’m asking him for a mansion, just a job.
What is the purpose of long term unemployment? Does God not realize people need to work for a living? It is not like I’m asking him for a mansion, just a job.
I think you’re blaming God for the works of man. God created us with a free will, he didn’t create unemployment. Actually if you follow the Word of God you would need no employment would you?
Tom–last I checked loincloths went out of style a couple hundred years ago and there’s not much in the way of locusts and wild honey available to the unemployed in south Chicago (where the OP is located) who ‘follow the Word of God’–whatever that comment was supposed to mean.

Third–I am so sorry to hear of your situation. But for the grace of God I have never had to face the situation in which you find yourself. But right after 9/11 several of our close friends lost jobs and were out of work for months. It was excruciatingly stressful for most, and one family went two years before a new job was found. Those of us who were not out of work did any number of things to help (meals, child care, even some anonymous cash donations) but the hardest thing was to watch your friends suffer and lose faith in themselves and not be able to remedy the situation.

It may be weak comfort, but some of those who came through the trial were stronger for the experience, more compassionate and had a new recognition and appreciation of the love and support of their families and friends.

A few other things…Try and stick to a daily or weekly schedule of checking on past applications or placing new ones. You don’t want to fall off anyone’s radar screen. Be bold in asking for help from professional contacts, acquaintances, neighbors–you never know where an opportunity may come from. Keep assessing your career options so that when an opportunity presents itself you’ll make a good decision. Make sure to maintain the involvements you did before unemployment–keep up with your volunteer activities, be a coach for your kids, etc. It helps increase your contacts, takes your focus off yourself and your needs and reminds you that as frustrating as this time may be in one respect, there are still people out there who have it even worse and who need your help.

Best wishes that your needs are met soon!
I’m sorry, but that reply was both LAME and INANE…“if you followed the word of God, you wouldnt need employment”… ROTF… :rolleyes:

So, if this one man follows Gods word than he’ll what? win the lotto or something? Does this imply that everyone working doesnt follow Gods word?

People ask quesions here and either get jumped on or met with replies that escape reasonable thought.

To address the original poster… God knows we NEED EMPLOYMENT…even those who “follow his word” as well as those who DONT.

Keep praying and dont give up hope…try looking at the situation as this… is somehow a roof still being placed over your head? Is there still food to eat? Yes…paying bills and paying them on time is important to good credit…but NOT true survival… it seems that though you may be unemployed, you still have access to the internet (costs money) as well as a computer… a nice creature comfort…whioch also means you have your electric on as well… I try to look at things like this when I get down and wonder why I cant get the job I am searching for…or a job at all sometimes… try focusing in on the essentials…food, clothing, shelter… it doesnt always work…we’re NOT just spirit we are human as well and tend to question God…nothing new…Job did it as well when times were REALLY bad for him.

God Bless.
Perhaps He’s waiting for you to shift your focus outwards, or to surrender unquestioningly to His will, or to help others…who knows?

Chin up – trust, pray a lot, and do your best.
I’ve been out of work since July 2003. I am visually impaired and have more of a difficult time finding work.
I have a case worker working with me and just have no luck finding work here. I have taken updated computer courses and want to get into library/research/information gathering type of work.

I used to be in Shipping for 16 1/2 years but after 2 eye operations and no more drivers license, all the places I checked want there Shipping persons to have good eyesight. So that is why I’m changing my job outlook and focus.

Up coming, I see my case worker on the 18th. Ohio is being hit hard STILL in the economy. I do get Socal Security Disability and pray every night for God to show me a secular job or something He wants for me to do. Waiting for that door of His to open.
Not working causes all sorts of temptaions to feeling worthless in everyone’s eyes, your own and God’s included. At mass each time offer him whatever you have, even if it is just the pain of your life. Just tell him to take what you have…he knows what it is. I think unemployment is a dark trial for many. You don’t see where it is going. Best wishes!
You will feel so much better about yourself once you find work!!! Of course your self-esteem is really hurting right now, and understandably. I went thru this with my H during one of his bouts of unemployment. He was too depressed to even go out and look for work, and I was getting very perterbed at him. Well, he has gotten 100% better now that he’s working again.

I say consider your interests, and seek a job doing it. What do you enjoy being around? Books? Food? working with numbers, working outdoors? whatever it is–they are signs of you, who you are, and what sort of job to look for. Why not get started today. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off, buy some fresh flowers for your table, and just tell yourself this week you will find work. If you live in a teenie little town however, you might have to move to a larger city.

Good Luck
Our family went through unemployment right before 9/11. My husband was out of work for a couple of months. It was indeed very hard. I too wondered why God would allow such a good job to vanish (the company went under). I spent a lot of time with God in the Adoration Chapel. I have to say that was the beginning of a wonderful, but painful, journey to our Lord. At first my husband spent a lot of time on the job search. Gradually, there was less to do and we enjoying our family time. We went to the park and did other inexpensive or free things. We also spent time helping a family realize their dream of having their own home through Habitat for Humanity. If my husband had been working, we would not have had the time to help this family. When he finally did go back to work, I missed having him home. Hopefully, if there is another unemployment, I’ll spend more time enjoying our togetherness and less worrying. I do have to say it was much easier to see the good things that happened during that time after he was working again. Try and hang in there. As hard is it is to believe, God does hear your prayers for employment.
I think you’re blaming God for the works of man. God created us with a free will, he didn’t create unemployment.
So why doesn’t God provide me with employment?
Actually if you follow the Word of God you would need no employment would you?
What are you saying here? Show me the scriptures that say if I follow the word of God I’ll be so wealthy I don’t need employment?

And what if God doesn’t keep his word? I ask and don’t receive. I knock and the door is not opened. Does the bible say anything about that?
Island Oak:
It may be weak comfort, but some of those who came through the trial were stronger for the experience, more compassionate and had a new recognition and appreciation of the love and support of their families and friends.
However, I have little help. I have no friends anymore (due to me being so depressed), my long term GF left me, and I don’t know how long my mom has to live (she can’t live forever)
A few other things…Try and stick to a daily or weekly schedule of checking on past applications or placing new ones. You don’t want to fall off anyone’s radar screen. Be bold in asking for help from professional contacts, acquaintances, neighbors–you never know where an opportunity may come from. Keep assessing your career options so that when an opportunity presents itself you’ll make a good decision.
Thanks for this good advice.
Faithful 2 Rome:
it seems that though you may be unemployed, you still have access to the internet (costs money) as well as a computer…
I’m posting from the unemployment office’s computers. I don’t have one of my own. It was repo’d.

And a place to stay? When my mom dies, I’ll be homeless. She’s old, but she can’t live forever.
Perhaps He’s waiting for you to shift your focus outwards, or to surrender unquestioningly to His will, or to help others…who knows?
That’s the thing: I don’t know.

I wish God would tell me what his will is so I can at least try to do it being the worthless person I am.

Instead of geting help, I get silence.
You will feel so much better about yourself once you find work!!!
Yup. You understand. Some of the PM’s I received don’t seem to understand that.
I say consider your interests, and seek a job doing it.
I like computers. But the IT sector is dead as a doornail. I couldn’t even find a teaching job.

Employers see this gaping hole in my employment history and don’t even want to give me an interview.
My H is in a jobless situation as well. It is difficult. We have three children, no money left, no insurance and many interviews with no offers. It is an emotional roller coaster that I have to hide because of the kids. They can’t see mom break down and all I feel like doing is crying. It’s been 9 months now and I am losing hope. The only thing that helps me is taking one day at a time and not thinking of the future - taking life in little pieces is much easier to digest than taking a big piece and realizing the future looks bleak. I don’t know what purpose losing my house will serve, but I am still praying to God that the answer or a job will come soon. Hang in there, you are not alone. God bless you!
I can offer my prayers for you. May God show you the way and what His will is for you.
Employers see this gaping hole in my employment history and don’t even want to give me an interview.
Just tell them you’ve been travelling ----and doing some other type of work—they don’t need to know details–it’s your personal business. Don’t fret about it anyway!!!

How large of a town do you live in? Do you have a Bachelor’s Degree? If so, you should be able to substitute in a private school near you. They always are seeking substitutes. Then as I said --follow your interests–which are usually a sign of how God made you and what you should seek. You must have some other interests besides computers!!! What else do you enjoy???
Write down 10 things you like being around and that you think about in the course of a day.


I sympathize with you. Been there. Done that. 😦 I know it’s hard–but IMO, you’ve got to really get tough on your Hubby. The last thing a husband needs in his case is too much sympathy, IMO. Then he’ll start thinking poor me, and not be able to go look for work. He needs to face the fact he’s got a wife and children to feed and he needs to get off his duff and get something else and soon!!! I would insist he leave the house everyday from 10-5 in his suit------and apply everywhere he possibly can think of. Appearing in person is 100% better than sending resumes or making phone calls. Effort effort effort is what it takes for a man to be responsible. I know many men are L A Z Y by nature —then you, the wife, have got to get tough. TOUGH LOVE. (New book by Dobson, I believe)…

God Bless~~
Third, my prayers are with you.
My response was an attempt to explain that it is not God against you. Your posts are full of “why is God doing this to me”. My answer was that God is NOT doing it to you. If you start blaming God, you will eventually turn away from Him. Please don’t, it isn’t God doing this to you. I could fill you full of Scriptural quotes, but you know the answer already, it isn’t God who makes us feel inferior if we can’t afford things is it? Seek Him, don’t blame Him and turn from Him.
DH and I have had a long job crisis, so know you have my sympathy. I don’t have any better advice than what the other folks here have said. One thing I can add, you have been given a cross to bear and by bearing it and offering up your suffering to Christ for the benefit of souls you may be helping someone. I am not trying to minimize your situation…obviously just ‘offering it up’ does not put food on the table, but maybe you can draw meaning from your suffering and take solace in that.

God bless you,
Try this website http:www.socialsecurity.gov/work or call (866)889-4473 for the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999. This act offers unprecedented opportunities for Americans with disabilities to return to the workforce.
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