Q on APD Problem - need some advice

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Okay…I know this is a wicked odd question, but I need some advice…

Alright, due to some problems I had as a kid and a bunch of other stuff, I have Auditory Processing Disorder. Which basically means that I have a problem processing speech. I can hear the speech, but understanding it is a really big problem…it basically sounds slurred or mumbled or just garbled. It’s really bad…I mean, I even use the captions on my tv!!! LOL, Anyway, to help me with this problem, I’ve also learned how to lip-read, and it helps a lot.

However, when I go to Mass, sometimes I can’t sit in the front, or sometimes someone sits in front of me, or I sit in a bad spot, or I’m on the end of the pew and then moved down for other people to sit and then get stuck behind a pole or something! And I’m unable to see the faces of the priest or the lectors, therefore I’m unable to understand what they are saying.

Now, I’m wondering…do you think I should go to another Mass when this happens? Like because I don’t understand what is being said, and so it feels that I’m not giving the Mass all the attention and reverence it deserves, so would that make it invalid as far as my sunday obligation goes? If not, should I go to another Mass anyway? I know that people go to the Latin Masses when they don’t know Latin, but that’s their choice. I didn’t choose to not understand what the celebrant is saying…so anyway, should I go to another Mass when I can’t understand what is being said at this one? Thank you for reading!

God bless!
Maybe you can get a spot reserved for you. Tell the priest about your situation. Also, I suggest a missal if you dont have one to help follow along. Is this condition a type of Wernicke’s Aphasia?
Okay…I know this is a wicked odd question, but I need some advice…

Alright, due to some problems I had as a kid and a bunch of other stuff, I have Auditory Processing Disorder. Which basically means that I have a problem processing speech. I can hear the speech, but understanding it is a really big problem…it basically sounds slurred or mumbled or just garbled. It’s really bad…I mean, I even use the captions on my tv!!! LOL, Anyway, to help me with this problem, I’ve also learned how to lip-read, and it helps a lot.

However, when I go to Mass, sometimes I can’t sit in the front, or sometimes someone sits in front of me, or I sit in a bad spot, or I’m on the end of the pew and then moved down for other people to sit and then get stuck behind a pole or something! And I’m unable to see the faces of the priest or the lectors, therefore I’m unable to understand what they are saying.

Now, I’m wondering…do you think I should go to another Mass when this happens? Like because I don’t understand what is being said, and so it feels that I’m not giving the Mass all the attention and reverence it deserves, so would that make it invalid as far as my sunday obligation goes? If not, should I go to another Mass anyway? I know that people go to the Latin Masses when they don’t know Latin, but that’s their choice. I didn’t choose to not understand what the celebrant is saying…so anyway, should I go to another Mass when I can’t understand what is being said at this one? Thank you for reading!

God bless!
You already went to mass, so you needn’t go again to fulfill your Sunday obligation if you didn’t understand every single word. Assisting at mass is all about uniting yourself with the Sacrifice of the Altar. No more, no less. As per your difficulties understanding the Celebrant, remember, we’re all made in God’s image–just because you have a difficulty with processing spoken word doesn’t make your participation at Mass any less in His eyes.

If you do feel strongly about not being able to hear and understand the Liturgy of The Word, perhaps watching the first half of Mass on EWTN with the captions would be a good way to compliment your physical and spiritual participation at Mass earlier (or later) in the day. Also, you could read the scriptures for the day before Mass (usccb.org/nab/). Or maybe invest in a Sunday Missal with the readings. Any practice that would help you get more from Mass is a worthy practice, but keep in mind that your presence at mass spiritually and physically is the important issue here–you DON’T need to attend another Mass just because you aren’t in the position to lip-read.

God bless
Maybe you can get a spot reserved for you. Tell the priest about your situation. Also, I suggest a missal if you dont have one to help follow along. Is this condition a type of Wernicke’s Aphasia?
I don’t want to call undue attention to myself though.

I know that Wernicke’s Aphasia is like inserting the completely wrong word for something else…like “word salad” Kinda like this… " I called my mother on the television and did not understand the door. It was too breakfast, but they came from far to near. My mother is not too old for me to be young."

that’s not my problem, my problem is basically determining the direction of sounds, I also have a hard time perceiving differences between speech sounds and the of sequencing these sounds into meaningful words, confusing similar sounds such as “hat” with “bat”, “there” with “where” etc. Less words may be perceived than were actually said, as there can be problems detecting the gaps between words, creating the sense that someone is speaking unfamiliar or nonsense words, so a lot of the time, it sounds kinda like another language…too many darn ear infections as a kid.
I don’t want to call undue attention to myself though.
It is hard to be humble, and hard to ask for or accept help. Don’t let false pride get in the way of being able to fully worship through the Mass.
several churches have technology that can help, I forget what it is called somebody out there probably knows, you wear a small device like a radio with earphones TTY?

If you attended Mass you fulfilled your obligation, same as if you attended the Spanish Mass and did not understand everything, since that seems to be your question. In our church we often have a sign interpreter for some deaf parishioners, and those people have found they can actually see and process better in the balcony. Maybe experiment with where you sit.

It would help to prepare for Mass by going over the readings, and the order of the Mass, Eucharistic prayer etc. in a worship aid such as St. Joseph annual Missal (about $5), Word Among Us, Magnificat etc. and following along with the missalette (like those of us who are increasingly hard of hearing have to do). Our sound system is so bad I am sure I miss half of what is going on.
Okay…I know this is a wicked odd question, but I need some advice…

Alright, due to some problems I had as a kid and a bunch of other stuff, I have Auditory Processing Disorder. Which basically means that I have a problem processing speech. I can hear the speech, but understanding it is a really big problem…it basically sounds slurred or mumbled or just garbled. It’s really bad…I mean, I even use the captions on my tv!!! LOL, Anyway, to help me with this problem, I’ve also learned how to lip-read, and it helps a lot.

However, when I go to Mass, sometimes I can’t sit in the front, or sometimes someone sits in front of me, or I sit in a bad spot, or I’m on the end of the pew and then moved down for other people to sit and then get stuck behind a pole or something! And I’m unable to see the faces of the priest or the lectors, therefore I’m unable to understand what they are saying.

Now, I’m wondering…do you think I should go to another Mass when this happens? Like because I don’t understand what is being said, and so it feels that I’m not giving the Mass all the attention and reverence it deserves, so would that make it invalid as far as my sunday obligation goes? If not, should I go to another Mass anyway? I know that people go to the Latin Masses when they don’t know Latin, but that’s their choice. I didn’t choose to not understand what the celebrant is saying…so anyway, should I go to another Mass when I can’t understand what is being said at this one? Thank you for reading!

God bless!
This may sound weird but if I were you it may be better for you to wear ear plugs to slightly dull the sound. If the sound is what is confusing your hearing ie; brain undrstanding and translating, and you can read lips well. You maybe able to improve your lipreading and lesson your anxiety a bit by not hearing so much confusing (name removed by moderator)ut to your brain and then sit near someone ask if it is allright for you to kind of read their lips and tell them that is why you arre paying such close attention.
Or even have someone record the first mass and then wear the earplugs during the second mass and listen to the recorder or cassete whatever is recorded on and more than likely father will say the smame sermon or homily and you can be there and also hear it on the caseete if this bothers you too much still try to lesson the background noise .
Are you one of the gifted people that can do many different things at once I know I’m not I get reeally frustrated when I have to do more than one thing at a time.
Don’t put yourself down too much God loves us all.
I hope this helps God Bless You, Dessert
I think you have been given some good ideas on helping you deal with the problem, as well as addressing your specific question.

But I wish to reiterate. Even if you are unable to sit where you can lip read, do not understand any part of what is said, you can still unite yourself in faith with the sacrifice of mass. You do not need to attend mass again.

I think the ear plugs are a good idea so either way, if you can see the lips or cannot, that way you are not struggling to hear and understand what is being said verbally.

God bless,
thank you all SO much for all the great advice!! I really apreciate you all taking the time to read and answer my questions. I’m gonna invest in a missal. (Can I buy those?) Also, I’m gonna try and get there early and position myself in a place where I can see everything better. And to the person who suggested the earplugs…that’s just crazy enough to work! I think I may just try that. 🙂

God bless you all, and thank you SO much

thank you all SO much for all the great advice!! I really apreciate you all taking the time to read and answer my questions. I’m gonna invest in a missal. (Can I buy those?) Also, I’m gonna try and get there early and position myself in a place where I can see everything better. And to the person who suggested the earplugs…that’s just crazy enough to work! I think I may just try that. 🙂

God bless you all, and thank you SO much


Yes, you can purchase a Missal. Somewhere in my garage is my Missal - I stopped using it when my Parish purchased perpetual Missal & song books. Go to your local Catholic bookstore and ask for a St. Joseph’s Sunday Missal. There is also a set of two for Daily readings.

If you don’t want to get a Missal consider subscribing to the monthly “magazine” Magnificat. It is a bit pricey but I find it well worth it as there are the daily prayers and a Saint of the day too! Go here magnificat.net/ to subscribe.

Brenda V.
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