Queen of Peace Media Validity?

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I know this particular YouTube Channel comes up on these forums alot, which is a bit strange given the hot water its in. When I had my reversion experience earlier this year, I exposed myself to channels like Queen of Piece media discussing the end times and modern mystics. The thing is concerning this channel is it seems to be actively denounced by the Catholic Church, but I still see it’s speakers discussed in very prestigious tones. I mean, if nothing else I do still beleive their messages get people in the right state of mind, that being of taking their faith seriously, but I would just like to know, is there a general concensus on the validity of QOPM and its speakers (Fr. Michel, Mark Mallet, Daniel O’Connor, etc.)?
Those people are all involved in propagating unapproved private revelations.

The forum TOS prohibits discussion of material from unapproved private revelations on this forum.

Fr. Michel’s bishop already released a statement a while ago stating that contrary to the impression Fr. Michel was giving, the bishop had not approved his private revelations and indeed wasn’t even aware of them. We have a past thread about that somewhere on the forum within the last few months.

I prefer to stick with private revelations that are at least “approved for faith expression”. YMMV.
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