If you minister Christ is the one and only way to heaven and god as john 14:6 and john 3:16 say then way i see it if you stand on solid ground meaning christ it does not matter were i came from. My point is I am a baptist. I believe that jesus christ is the son of god, he is part of trinity,He is faithful ,just, and holy. That he commanded us to be baptised. Not to get saved but as a symbol of our faith and a passing down under the water he washed away our sins we rise again as a new creature. I have to ask him to save me and be my lord and savior. One of my favorite vs. in the bible John 14:6 JESUS said to him " I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father except through me. I am writing this because I saw the site were it says jesus started catholisism. I would like proof. I cant find it in holy bible anywhere. Jesus didnt start baptist either i know this. What he did start is christianity. Which I am a part of. I go to a baptist church which i love dearly and serve as a deacon among lots of other things on staff. I am gods child which I became by asking jesus to come into my heart forgive me of my filthy self and you know what he DID. I love my lord and savior first, family next, job last. Jesus told his diciples to go and preach to all nations baptizing them in the name of the father ,son and holy spirit. The great commision. In Christ and out of love and maybe i misunderstand.