Ques? If we are all believers of Christ.Which I hope we are.READ long

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If you minister Christ is the one and only way to heaven and god as john 14:6 and john 3:16 say then way i see it if you stand on solid ground meaning christ it does not matter were i came from. My point is I am a baptist. I believe that jesus christ is the son of god, he is part of trinity,He is faithful ,just, and holy. That he commanded us to be baptised. Not to get saved but as a symbol of our faith and a passing down under the water he washed away our sins we rise again as a new creature. I have to ask him to save me and be my lord and savior. One of my favorite vs. in the bible John 14:6 JESUS said to him " I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father except through me. I am writing this because I saw the site were it says jesus started catholisism. I would like proof. I cant find it in holy bible anywhere. Jesus didnt start baptist either i know this. What he did start is christianity. Which I am a part of. I go to a baptist church which i love dearly and serve as a deacon among lots of other things on staff. I am gods child which I became by asking jesus to come into my heart forgive me of my filthy self and you know what he DID. I love my lord and savior first, family next, job last. Jesus told his diciples to go and preach to all nations baptizing them in the name of the father ,son and holy spirit. The great commision. In Christ and out of love and maybe i misunderstand.

To ask for one definitive statement or article proving Christ founded the Catholic Church is easy if you accept the Bible and history. In Matthew 16, Jesus gives Peter the keys to the kingdom and refers to him as the rock on which He will build His church. Notice, I am not saying Peter is building a church, but Christ though Peter will establish a church. As a Baptist, I am sure you believe God can work through people. And if you read the Scriptures, Peter is the prominent Apostle, mentioned more than anyone else. It is accepted, by even Protestant scholars, that Peter went to Rome and was crucified there after becoming the Bishop. There after followed his successors.

That is just a little bit of what you will hear now that you asked this question. Many people will talk to you and I would like you to know that I came from an evangelical background and was a staunch anti-Catholic, but now am in love with Christ and the Faith.

If you are willing to spend a few dollars, may I recommend a few books for you to purchase.

Catholicism and Fundamentalism by Karl Keating
Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic by David Currie
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Crossing the Tiber by Stephen Ray
and my personal favorite…Unabridged Christianity by Fr. Romero

please feel free to post again and again

If you minister Christ is the one and only way to heaven and god as john 14:6 and john 3:16 say then way i see it if you stand on solid ground meaning christ it does not matter were i came from. My point is I am a baptist. I believe that jesus christ is the son of god, he is part of trinity,He is faithful ,just, and holy. That he commanded us to be baptised. Not to get saved but as a symbol of our faith and a passing down under the water he washed away our sins we rise again as a new creature. I have to ask him to save me and be my lord and savior. One of my favorite vs. in the bible John 14:6 JESUS said to him " I am the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father except through me. I am writing this because I saw the site were it says jesus started catholisism. I would like proof. I cant find it in holy bible anywhere. Jesus didnt start baptist either i know this. What he did start is christianity. Which I am a part of. I go to a baptist church which i love dearly and serve as a deacon among lots of other things on staff. I am gods child which I became by asking jesus to come into my heart forgive me of my filthy self and you know what he DID. I love my lord and savior first, family next, job last. Jesus told his diciples to go and preach to all nations baptizing them in the name of the father ,son and holy spirit. The great commision. In Christ and out of love and maybe i misunderstand.
1.) Jesus never used the term “Christian”. St. Paul did. Catholic comes from a Greek word meaning “Universal”. The importance of this word implies a singular universal beleif in Jesus Christ.

2.) Jesus instituted His Church in Mt 16:15-19. In which Jesus explicitly gives St. Peter authority over the Church Jesus establishes with Peter as the visible leader of His Church.

3.) Jesus instructed the Apostels to go out and baptize all nations in the name of the Trinity (shortened for discussion), in Mt 28:19-20. This commisioning of the Apostles cannot replace His earlier command to St. Peter, but rather, has to be in union (or universal if you will).

4.) Catholics believe absolutely in Jn 3:16. Catholics believe that faith is the means to salvation. But remember that Jm 2:14-26 (most fundamentalist groups do not have the The Letter of James in their Bibles) gives an entire explanation of the very conducive and intimate relationship between works and faith. Also remember Jesus’ telling us that whatever we do to the ‘least of these’ you also ‘do to me’. This is vitally important: works are a demonstration of faith, and faith without works is like a body without its spirit. You cannot separate the two.

5.) Do not look at Jn 14:6 as a statment that stands on its own. Put it inot the entire context of chapter 14. Jesus is explaning how to demonstrate how we can show our love for him. In several statements, Jesus instructs us to keep His commandments.

hopefully this helps…

4.) Catholics believe absolutely in Jn 3:16. Catholics believe that faith is the means to salvation. But remember that Jm 2:14-26 (most fundamentalist groups do not have the The Letter of James in their Bibles) gives an entire explanation of the very conducive and intimate relationship between works and faith.
Sorry, but I have NEVER seen a Bible in any Protestant church without James. To not have it would be considered heretical, regardless of the teachings of Luther.

Perhaps this is a Catholic misunderstanding of Protestantism?

Rich B
Sorry, but I have NEVER seen a Bible in any Protestant church without James. To not have it would be considered heretical, regardless of the teachings of Luther.

Perhaps this is a Catholic misunderstanding of Protestantism?

Rich B
No insult meant, I realize I should have said ‘some’ rather than ‘most’…it was an honest mistake 🙂
Sorry, but I have NEVER seen a Bible in any Protestant church without James. To not have it would be considered heretical, regardless of the teachings of Luther.

Perhaps this is a Catholic misunderstanding of Protestantism?

Rich B
Luther had removed the book of James (calling it an ‘epistle of straw’) and Revelation, along with the 7 deutercanonical booksof the old testament. James and Revelations were later re-included in the Lutheran bibles, but the deuterocannonicals were not.

I have not hear of an fundamentalist groups that used a different new testament, but I’m not an expert by any means! I HAVE encountered groups that totally dismiss the entire old testament…They just don’t acknowledge it as important in any way. Very strange…
please feel free to post again and againDU
Something tells me he will fill the forum with his anti-catholic rhetoric and then leave with out addressing any of our points…
I really can’t speak for any Protestant denominations, as we shouldn’t generalize of judge others, but what I can talk to you about is the Catholic Church.
Jesus did create a Church, this is described in the Bible. He prayed for a unity of believers, as He and the Father were one. This Church would be able to resolve differences of opinion or doctrine.
Here is an example, if my wife thought it was ok to sin boldly as this would be proof of her salvation, I then disagree and we need to resolve this. As the Bible says, Matthew 18:15-17 eventually if we cannot resolve this between ourselves or others we need to take it to the Church. But some Churches have differences of opinion to questions such as these.
There needs to be a Church of one accord, which is able to resolve doctrinal disputes. If you would like proof of a Church, I would look at many things.

Look at history for a historical Church, read early Christian writings and then you can determine if there was a Church that has existed since the time of Christ, was founded by Christ and can back up it’s claims. Since the Bible was formally made canon several hundred years after Christ you might want to take more into account than just an interpretation of the Bible.

If you are willing to follow Christ anywhere, I would keep an open mind and look into this. If you read only Baptist sources then you will get a good understanding of the Baptist viewpoint, if you read Catholic sources you will get a Catholic viewpoint, then you can see if they hold up to investigation.
Just try and keep an open mind to follow Jesus wherever He may lead you.

God Bless
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