Question about Brown Scapular.

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If I have been invested in the Brown Scapular, is it o.k. to only wear it at night while sleeping? I wear a St. Benedict crucifix, medal during the day. Thanks.
Dear friend

You are supposed to wear it all the time. I only take mine off to bathe and today I took it off to have an X-ray as there is a little metal clip on mine. Otherwise I wear it constantly.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I wear it as a medal…would it be alright to wear it then? Seems kinda dangerous hehe…choke die.
The medal is not to be worn in preference to the Scapular.

The Scapular must be worn over the head and on shoulders resting on the heart and on the back…the scapular bone…that is it’s correct usage.

I live in my scapular and haven’t choked yet! The Scapular would have to do some pretty fancy work to wrap itself so tightly around my neck to choke me!😃 It’s just not going to happen.

The thing is, the Scapular can be irritating to wear but that serves a purpose in itself and reminds me of all the sufferings of my Lord especially the rough Cross carried on His shoulders.

Wear the Scapular all the time, it is a small thing to do in devotion to Jesus and Our Lady.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

A lay Carmelite told me the medal or scaplcur works, and the Carmelite website said the same. Is there any other place that might offer an opinion? The medal is just more convienient hehe.
A lay Carmelite told me the medal or scaplcur works, and the Carmelite website said the same. Is there any other place that might offer an opinion? The medal is just more convienient hehe.
It may have been me if you are referring to an online Lay Carmelite. 🙂 The medal may be worn instead of the cloth scapular. As a Lay Carmelite, though, I wear the cloth since it is the habit of the Carmelite Order.
Hehe yeah I was. Heck for all I know maybe it WAS you. It’s a small forum afterall…
The medal may be worn instead of the cloth scapular.
The medal may be worn but it does NOT carry all of the graces and blessings that the cloth one does (see reply below).
A lay Carmelite told me the medal or scaplcur works, and the Carmelite website said the same. Is there any other place that might offer an opinion? The medal is just more convienient hehe.
That is not entirely true. In 1910 Pope Pius X declared that the cloth Scapular, after enrollment, could be replaced by a medal which has on one side an image of Our Lady - this exception to be used only in torrid zones among natives. He then said: “I believe in the Scapular vision I desire most vehemently that the CLOTH be worn as heretofore.

Pope Benedict XV, so anxious and determined to make it very clear to all that the medal was positively NEVER meant to replace the brown cloth Scapular (except in EXTREME cases) declared on July 8, 1916: “‘In order that one may see that it is Our desire that the Brown Scapular be worn we concede to it a grace the Scapular Medal shall NOT enjoy.’ And the pontiff proceeded to grant an indulgence for each time the CLOTH Scapular is kissed.”
The medal is not to be worn in preference to the Scapular.
Teresa is correct.
Sir Knight:
The medal may be worn but it does NOT carry all of the graces and blessings that the cloth one does (see reply below).

That is not entirely true. In 1910 Pope Pius X declared that the cloth Scapular, after enrollment, could be replaced by a medal which has on one side an image of Our Lady - this exception to be used only in torrid zones among natives. He then said: “I believe in the Scapular vision I desire most vehemently that the CLOTH be worn as heretofore.

Pope Benedict XV, so anxious and determined to make it very clear to all that the medal was positively NEVER meant to replace the brown cloth Scapular (except in EXTREME cases) declared on July 8, 1916: “‘In order that one may see that it is Our desire that the Brown Scapular be worn we concede to it a grace the Scapular Medal shall NOT enjoy.’ And the pontiff proceeded to grant an indulgence for each time the CLOTH Scapular is kissed.”
Dear friend

Absolutely correct.

Wear the Scapular, it is some small sacrifice to make for the irritation it may bring and by this it’s great rewards if worn with love and true devotion.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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