Question about gluttony

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Hi Everyone,

I hope you all are doing well (and staying well during these times). I just had a quick question about gluttony.

I am doing my best to follow the Commandments, but am also trying to avoid the seven deadly sins as well. That being said, I have a quick question.

I am a very moderation-minded food consumer. I usually stick to three meals, limit my portions, and say grace before said meals (and usually after). I usually do not even eat enough to feel “full” (yet I meet nutritional guidelines of course).

However, I used to have the habit of gorging (box of cereal, half gallon of milk, a pizza, chips, etc…in one sitting). I have left those ways for quite some time. However, I would like to start having a “feast” once a week.

Would this “feast” be considered gluttony if I decreased my old normal “gorging” servings, said grace before/during/after, and limited it to one day of the week?

Ex. Old Gorge= Box cereal, half gallon milk, large pizza

Ex: New weekly “feast”= 1 good size bowl of cereal, a cup or so of milk, and a small pizza.

I would like to feel full/extra satisfied one day of the week (this is not a stepping stone to my old ways, my self control is impeccable).

Thank you for your help! Stay safe and well.
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