Question about God - essence and name

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Hello I just want to be clarified about God. Yes I believe in God but these sorts of questions are bothering me (I’ve searched the Summa but it’s hard to understand), or I think God only wants me to know Him better.

As I understand it, when we say God, it talks about the divine being in three persons; the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. As the Catholic Encyclopedia puts it:
God (A.S. God ; Germ. Gott ; akin to Persian khoda ; Hindu khooda ), (1) the proper name of the one Supreme and Infinite Personal Being, the Creator and Ruler of the universe, to whom man owes obedience and worship (emphasis added)
On the other hand, and I firmly believe, that God is the essence of the three divine persons. As the Catholic encyclopedia puts it
B. The Divine Nature and Attributes
(1) As we have already seen, reason teaches that God is one simple and infinitely perfect spiritual substance or nature, and Sacred Scripture and the Church teach the same.
Can you clarify me on this one? When we say God, it means God can pertain to either his name or essence? Teach me, my fellow brothers and sisters for I am confused.

Thank you!
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Hello I just want to be clarified about God. Yes I believe in God but these sorts of questions are bothering me (I’ve searched the Summa but it’s hard to understand), or I think God only wants me to know Him better.

As I understand it, when we say God, it talks about the divine being in three persons; the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. As the Catholic Encyclopedia puts it:
God (A.S. God ; Germ. Gott ; akin to Persian khoda ; Hindu khooda ), (1) the proper name of the one Supreme and Infinite Personal Being, the Creator and Ruler of the universe, to whom man owes obedience and worship (emphasis added)
The Holy Trinity is absolutely simple and cannot properly be thought of as three independent persons but rather there are three divine persons that are not independent – one will and one mind. The real relations that are the persons are essential.
Don’t feel alone . . . many are confused about whom and what God really is! Examining the Holy Trinity often makes it more confusing. If you realize that there is only ONE GOD (not three) and explore whom that entity may be you will have a better understanding of the divinity. God is not a person. The Bible states that we are “formed in His image” but in his spiritual image, not physical. God is NOT the essence of three divine persons" as you state, and this, no doubt, has added to much confusion. God has no form whatsoever. God is pure energy and pure love. He does not have a long white beard and flowing robes as depicted in biblical art. God is multi-dimensional and is everywhere simultaneously. You were created by God as was all of mankind, the world and the universe. Genesis states that He “” breathed life into you from the slime of the earth" (I paraphrase)
I believe getting to know Him better, is our life’s work. You see, He is “not up there” or “over there” He is here, among us; a part of you and I. God is everywhere.
One could refer to Adam as human, and at the same time say he is of human nature.

Ex (Name): “Hello human .”

Ex (Nature): “This human is human .”

Ex (Name): “Hello God .”
Ex(Nature): God is God ."
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