Question about leadership from a young father

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I’m a new and young father. My wife was born and raised Catholic but she doesn’t really know much about the faith. My knowledge too is limited. Are there any ideas that anyone has that we can do? Especially in a city where faithful and religious people are scarce and taboo.

How should a father properly be the priest, prophet, and king of his home? How should he properly lead the family to Christ? Should he demand/determine Scripture times or family prayer times? How can I incorporate the Rosary and other Catholic teachings and prayers in my family when they don’t properly understand it?
Very thoughtful questions. The fact that you know care enough to ask ***yourself * ** these questions shows that you are on your way to being a great dad.
There is no better way than to make an example of your life to your wife and children. Hopefully with enough prayer and committment, they will follow.

God Bless you,

Their are three enclyicals that are of extreme importance for a young father, (and an old father like me). Encylicals are letters from the Holy Father and are infallible and part of the treasury of faith. They are the official teachings of the church. I start with this because I don’t know if you know what they are. They are available on the Internet under their Latin names and also in Catholic books stores. The copies I have cost around $9 for all three. The titles are; Familaris Consortion (The role of Christian Family in the Modern World", Casti Connubii (Christian Marriage), Humae Vitae (Of Human Life). The book “Boys to Men” by Tim Gray and Curtis Martin. ISBN 1933101802-2 is also most excellent. Unfortunatly, it came out long after my children have left and started their own families. You are exactly correct, it is difficult for a man can fiind out wht he needs to know about the role of Fatherhood. From Holy scriture, (Eph. 5) we are told that we are head of the family as Christ is head of the Church" this carries profound meaning for us. God Bless
A solid example of Christian living is excellent leadership from a father.

I would recommend that you also get a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and read it through cover to cover. Each section is very good. It also is an excellent reference source.

Family Prayer is important and as leader in home you need to lead the family in prayer often as a group.
You might want to think about family bible study, there are several good Catholic bible study guides.
Learn the basics in the CCC.
Discuss the faith continually, usually our “problems” are from misunderstandings of the teachings.
Daily family prayers, grace at meals, night time prayers with the children and wife. Family rosary.
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