Some of you may know me, and may know that I have been discerning a vocation to the priesthood since last February. I met with my current pastor for spiritual guidance, but I feel like he was not good at it. I told him in June of last year, and in August, I asked him again if we could meet for spiritual guidance. He said he didn’t have time, but then, he pulled me into the confessional to talk to me. The talk lasted about three minutes. I explained to him my situation, and all he said is, “Well, when you grow up, you can become a priest. If you decide you want to be a diocesan priest, we’re always in need of priests. Continue to study the Faith, and continue coming here.” Then he motioned for me to leave the confessional.
Note that I am not putting down my priest. He is a very nice person, and is loved by many. But, he doesn’t seem willing to meet with me on a regular basis. Plus, even though I am new to this, and am young, and I could be wrong, but I keep getting the feeling like he should have said more, or should have asked to meet with me periodically.
How do I find a good, solidly orthodox spiritual director? I read that I should find one, and meet with him on a regular basis. Since I do not think I can go to my pastor for it, how do I find one?
Thank you for answering my question.
God bless.

Note that I am not putting down my priest. He is a very nice person, and is loved by many. But, he doesn’t seem willing to meet with me on a regular basis. Plus, even though I am new to this, and am young, and I could be wrong, but I keep getting the feeling like he should have said more, or should have asked to meet with me periodically.
How do I find a good, solidly orthodox spiritual director? I read that I should find one, and meet with him on a regular basis. Since I do not think I can go to my pastor for it, how do I find one?
Thank you for answering my question.

God bless.