Question about NFP/Fertility Awareness Method

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Hi everyone…

My wife went off the pill (after being on it since 15 years old) about three months ago. She had one period about a month after, but nothing since (about 70 days now). She has not had a temperature spike (even with the first period), there is no pattern to the cervical fluid, and she is having trouble interpretting her cervical position. We decided to do NFP/FAM after reading the book “Taking Charge of Your Fertility”, but have no formal training.

Two important things to mention are that she is very ill with Fibromyalgia and CFIDS and that the original reason she was put on the pill was for severe menstrual irregularities. Her mom and sister have problems too. Her sister has POS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and is under investigation for cervical cancer. Her mom had to have a hysterectomy in her 30’s due to severe problems.

Just wondering if anybody could offer us some advice and some prayers.
Hi everyone...
My wife went off the pill (after being on it since 15 years old) about three months ago. She had one period about a month after, but nothing since (about 70 days now). She has not had a temperature spike (even with the first period), there is no pattern to the cervical fluid, and she is having trouble interpretting her cervical position. We decided to do NFP/FAM after reading the book “Taking Charge of Your Fertility”, but have no formal training.

Two important things to mention are that she is very ill with Fibromyalgia and CFIDS and that the original reason she was put on the pill was for severe menstrual irregularities. Her mom and sister have problems too. Her sister has POS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and is under investigation for cervical cancer. Her mom had to have a hysterectomy in her 30’s due to severe problems.

Just wondering if anybody could offer us some advice and some prayers.
I would suggest a couple of things. First, visit and look into joining the couple to couple league and taking a class. They have experts who can help you interpret your charts and offer advise regarding the issues you describe.


Visit where you can get in touch with the doctors who pioneered NaPro technology for assisting couples with fertility issues. These doctors use only techniques compatible with Church teaching. They use the Creighton Model of NFP, so you might also visit The fertility care specialists can really help you.
Find an MD that teaches NFP. May be difficult.

I’ve never known a fertility specialist that respected NFP.

Avoid Clomid, it could lead to triplets (or more) then the specialists will adise you to selectively abort.

Get more help and be careful
its a misconception to think 15 yrs of the pill can be reversed with one or two menstral cycles.

She may already be pregnant or menopausal?
thanks for the help so far…

to tTt… I hope she is not menopausal as she is only 27 years old, lol. As for being pregnant, I really doubt it. We are being very careful not to get pregnant right now because of her health, and her temp does not support it.

to 1ke… thanks for the links, I will check into them.
I agree that you need to get in touch with a teacher for one of the NFP methods or a NFP knowledgable MD.
The Couple to Couple League probably has a trained teaching couple in your area.

Coming off of the pill is a very mysterious thing. She could have 1 bledding episode and then not another for 3-4 months. I have to understand that the birth control pill is a VERY powerfull drug that drastically changes the hormone levels in a women’s body. Every women is different and she may not return to a normal cycle for several months.

The Couple to Couple League recommends specific rules for coming off of the pill including not trying to become pregnant for at least 6 months because of the dangerous chemicals and effects from the pill
I will 2nd the pope paul VI institute.

these sites are affiliated. One big reason for contacting these people/ doctors is that they actually look to TREAT women. PCOS etc-- many doctors treat womens problems by putting them on the pill. The pill doesnt fix anything. It masks your symptoms and your underlying disease is still there. The doctors you will find at these sites will actually treat you-- there is pretty successful surgery they do for PCOS that has practically been abandoned by mainstream doctors in favor of fertility drugs or IVF. If I’m remembering correctly there is a 60% increase of pregnancy with the surgery and only a 23% when trying IVF.
(I know actually becoming pregnant didnt seem your immediate concern but I’m posting that info to make the point about fertility care vs bandaid/ work around 'solutions to women’s health)

I’m so glad that you’ve been directed to look into the Pope Paul VI Institute! This will definitely be the most helpful to you with the reproductive disorders combined with post-pill status that your wife is experiencing.

After deciding that this is the route that you have chosen to take your first step would be to locate a FertilityCare center in your area so that you and your wife can begin charting with the Creighton Model System. (You can do this by checking out the directory at Once you have been charting for two cycles (or months since your wife’s cycles likely won’t be regular) you’ll have enough information to see either Dr. Hilgers at the PPVI or one of the Medical Consultants (physicians that have been trained by Dr. Hilgers through the PPVI) nearer to your area. Your practitioner (the one who teaches you to chart) will be able to direct you either to a medical consultant or on how to send your charts and information to Dr. Hilgers for his review.

I cannot more strongly recommend this course of action.
Best Wishes-
The Pill can really do weird things to a woman’s cervix. I was on the Pill for 4 years and stopped taking it four months ago. My menstrual cycles immediately went back to my normal 27-day cycles, but the cervical fluid was off-kilter for a few months. The past month is the first time that it has appeared normal (and it was never normal while on the Pill).

From what I’ve read and been taught, I understand that there are two ways in which the cervix can be damaged by the Pill: 1) the cervical crypts can begin to degrade, which causes little cervical fluid to be produced, or 2) the cervical lining can begin to grow outside of the cervical opening, which can cause excess fluid production. Either way makes it near impossible to rely on the fluids for charting purposes.

But- both conditions are reversible. It does take longer for some women than for others, and 12 years is a long time to be on the Pill. It certainly is a good idea to check out the links the other posters have provided- it may give both of you some needed peace of mind and more options. Good luck and God bless.
I understand that there are two ways in which the cervix can be damaged by the Pill: 1) the cervical crypts can begin to degrade, which causes little cervical fluid to be produced, or 2) the cervical lining can begin to grow outside of the cervical opening, which can cause excess fluid production. Either way makes it near impossible to rely on the fluids for charting purposes.
While it is true that the cervix can be damaged by being on the pill and the two possible outcomes that were listed can occur, this does not make the cervical mucus that is produced after the fact a nul and void sign of fertility. This is because our fertility is dependent upon the cervical mucus. If there were a decrease in the mucus, there would also be a decrease in fertility (as many post-pill women can attest to). In the other circumstance where an excess of cervical mucus would be produced (it is also a commonality of post-pill women to have a continuous discharge), there isn’t an extension of fertility, since it would be impossible for them to be fertile every day of cycle if they happend to have mucus every day, so in cases such as this there is just some additional case management done with this chart to help the couple easily identify the true days of fertility from the days of continuous discharge.

Just thought I’d clarify,
Thanks! Diane Olson, FCPI
I have read that book and found it be most helpful. BUT given your wifes complicated history, you need an expert on board. If she hasn’t had a period in 70 days, a trip to the ob/gyn is warranted. She might need progesterone to trigger a period. I am sure with her illnesses that aren’t related to fertility, she is in some pain. Pain can delay ovulation for sure. Factor in the PCOS, and history of menstrual irregularities, it is no wonder she hasn’t had a period.
Are her temps reliable?
“We decided to do NFP/FAM … but have no formal training”

:eek: …did I really say that? I sound like William Hung from “Americon Idol” :rotfl: .

Seriously though, thank you to everone for all the help so far. We have located an instructor via the “fertilitycare” web page in our city and my wife has e-mailed them. We have not heard anything back yet but God willing we will soon. Hopefully, everything works out and we can get on with our “formal training”…😃 …sorry, couldn’t resist. Thanks again to everyone and God bless.
Because she was on the pill for so long, the estrogen and progesterone levels were artificially regulated. It can take several months for her body to stop depending on the pill to balance the 2. If she’s been producing a higher level of progesterone to balance all the estrogen she was taking, then it will have to come down by itself before she has normal cycles. It doesn’t mean she isn’t fertile, just that the lining of the uterus hasn’t thickened normally and won’t slough normally for a while.
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