Question about promises!

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Hello! So I was reading the Code it Canon Law about promises and vows, and I have a question about it. If the promise made does not bring about a greater good, does that mean the promise is invalid? Don’t ask why but basically I made a promise or deal with God that I would be unforgivable if I committed apostasy and I committed apostasy though. Am I unforgivable now? Or was this invalid to begin with? Thank you!
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Yes, not diagnosed but have OCD, was going for help but the quarantine kinda messed everything up
I would recommend that you not read Canon Law, as it’s probably going to be a trigger for you, and there’s no real reason for you to read it.

We can’t incur penalties we didn’t know existed. Be at peace.

I would also advise you not to post questions like this online. It will only drive your compulsions. See if you can call whomever is helping you with your OCD and sort through it with them.

Others would be well advised to pray for our friend, and to kindly refrain from replying to this thread. It will not help.

You are in my prayers.

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Ok thank you! But I don’t have to worry right? I know this is kinda driving my compulsion but it’s like I feel like this wasn’t done out of ocd. I know the promise itself sounds dumb but still. Also thank you for keeping me in your prayers ❤️
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