Question about propriety in attending Mass prior to RCIA
Hello, all.
My sister and I are both planning on starting the RCIA at out local church in August, but in the meantime we feel we should keep attending Mass and have been encouraged to do so by the faith formation director. After attending for a while and reading the book entitled “How-to Book of the Mass” we have a pretty solid idea of what to do, when, why, etc.
Obviously I know we are not to partake of the Blessed Sacrament, but what about all the other things? Blessing oneself upon entry, genuflecting at the Blessed Sacrament, bowing at the altar, etc. Is it appropriate that we do all these things or are we committing a grave impropriety? We already stick out like sore thumbs since we do not partake of the Eucharist (since 99% of the congregation does so).
Also, since I know that once we start the RCIA we will be required to leave at some point during Mass, is there a point at which we should be leaving now? I almost feel awkward attending for the entire duration since I know that, come August, I will not be allowed to do so.
Hello, all.
My sister and I are both planning on starting the RCIA at out local church in August, but in the meantime we feel we should keep attending Mass and have been encouraged to do so by the faith formation director. After attending for a while and reading the book entitled “How-to Book of the Mass” we have a pretty solid idea of what to do, when, why, etc.
Obviously I know we are not to partake of the Blessed Sacrament, but what about all the other things? Blessing oneself upon entry, genuflecting at the Blessed Sacrament, bowing at the altar, etc. Is it appropriate that we do all these things or are we committing a grave impropriety? We already stick out like sore thumbs since we do not partake of the Eucharist (since 99% of the congregation does so).

Also, since I know that once we start the RCIA we will be required to leave at some point during Mass, is there a point at which we should be leaving now? I almost feel awkward attending for the entire duration since I know that, come August, I will not be allowed to do so.