Question about sex life

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First some background: My husband and I have been married almost 2 years, we have a 1 year old son and a baby due in December. 6 months into our marriage husband told me he doesn’t believe in God anymore and can’t be Catholic (prior to this we are both cradle catholic). He still agrees with most church teaching and we still practice NFP. Before our marriage we were not very chaste and engaged in oral sex a lot, and subsequently went to confession a lot.
I’ve seen a lot of posts on this site about the morality of oral sex in marriage. Lots saying that oral stimulation as foreplay is fine, oral sex to orgasm is not because it is contraceptive.
My question I guess is… can it ever be okay? We have been doing it for our whole marriage. My husband’s sex drive is through the roof and I feel like I just can’t keep up. I’ve been pregnant most of our marriage so far and it’s incredibly hard on my body. I am constantly physically uncomfortable and have basically no physical desire for sex. If I provide oral sex for my husband because he is feeling super horny (for lack of a better term), and we’re obviously not doing it to avoid pregnancy (I’m already pregnant) and it’s currently extremely uncomfortable for me to have sexual intercourse, is that still wrong??
I think this is something you should address with your priest. Maybe your husband would also be willing to sit down with him and discuss his falling away from the church.
This is something a priest should be involved in. But regardless of your husbands current belief, his commitment to you needs to honor those promises at the time of the wedding, so he can believe what he wants but he must respect his vows to you and his kids when it comes to sexuality and raising kids Catholic.
Sexual teaching are a simple. Don’t make it needlessly hard. Sex must end with the “P” in the “V”. Kissing is fine.
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