Question about third orders and clothing

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I am considering joining a third order, in the very early stages of such consideration, and I wondered if they had any rules about clothing. I know there’s no habits or anything like that, and I am sure that third order members are expected to dress modestly (which I already do at my age) and are also discouraged from spending excessive amounts on their clothes (which I already don’t do as I’m not really into “fashion” or “designer” clothing and most of my stuff comes from WalMart or a moderately priced catalog).

Is there anything beyond that one has to be aware of?
Is it still okay to “dress up” once in a while when you are in a third order?

Sorry if this sounds stupid but I know literally no one outside of this forum who is in a third order, or if they are, they don’t talk about it.
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Is there anything beyond that one has to be aware of?
Is it still okay to “dress up” once in a while when you are in a third order?
I can only speak for my order (Discalced Carmelites). Certainly we can dress up. The only “rules” concern when we should and should not wear our ceremonial scapular.

I’ve never heard of other secular orders having rules concerning dress, but that doesn’t prove none of them do. The whole point of being a secular member of an order is that you’re living a secular life, out in the world, and there are things you need to do accordingly.

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@Cloisters, do you have any further info on this?
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Thanks, that’s very helpful as OCDS is the main one I’m interested in right now.

I presume the “ceremonial scapular” is the large one, not the little one I already wear every day, right? I have seen folks in the large one at Masses at the Carmelite monastery.
Thanks, that’s very helpful as OCDS is the main one I’m interested in right now.

I presume the “ceremonial scapular” is the large one, not the little one I already wear every day, right? I have seen folks in the large one at Masses at the Carmelite monastery.
Correct, the large one.
As a 3rd Order Franciscan, we are asked to wear the Tau Cross with the Conformity(at Candidacy), that is our habit. It can be worn inside or outside our clothing. I like to wear mine outside. A long time ago, 3rd Order Franciscans dressed in a habit. Yes of course, dress modest, and dress for the occasion as a Catholic should.
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Is there anything beyond that one has to be aware of?
Is it still okay to “dress up” once in a while when you are in a third order?
As far as I’ve seen with the Dominicans, we have pins and pendants with the Dominican cross and/or shield on them. We also have the large and small Dominican scapulars, the large one though is normally worn at major events, like the reception of promises. The small one we wear under our clothes like a normal scapular. We can get buried in the full habit when we die, but I haven’t heard of lay Dominicans wearing the full habit in every day life, or even around other Dominicans.
Thanks, I understand about habits and each order perhaps having some insignia.

I was wondering more if there is any “vow of poverty” stuff that you have to dress drab or buy all your things from Goodwill.
I was wondering more if there is any “vow of poverty” stuff that you have to dress drab or buy all your things from Goodwill.
The only promise lay Dominicans make is to live by the Rule of St. Dominic. It’s okay to dress nicely, since you might have to for your profession as an example, you’re just not supposed to go over the top with it, I don’t think. As tempting as a cloak of gold may be, you don’t need to wear one. 😛
I was wondering more if there is any “vow of poverty” stuff that you have to dress drab or buy all your things from Goodwill.
OCDS make a promise – not a vow – to follow the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and the Beatitudes. And the poverty one does concern new members sometimes. It doesn’t mean you have to dress in potato sacks, or live under an overpass, or give away everything you own. It’s more an issue of prudence and stewardship in light of the Gospels. I don’t need a $500,000 house; and if I could afford one, there are better things to do with the money. But there’s no reason for me not to have a comfortable house where things work and the roof stays on.

It’s discernment more than anything else, according to your personal circumstances, not outside rules.
Gn’R fan?

When I first joined the Dominican Laity in college, I wore black and white ensembles. On Sunday, I wore the Dominican cross-on-bunting with the black and white ensemble.

We are permitted to wear the habit in the privacy of our own homes. I pestered our spiritual director for one, and he asked a sister to relinquish hers. She said she wore it to teach.

When I had my own group in Tennessee, I wore the black and white ensemble, with the large white scapular, and the Dominican cross-on-bunting. Additionally, I wore a black mantilla. I wore this primarily during promotion ceremonies.

I went inactive for a few years, though due to health. I had also been looking at Carmel. The Carmelites told me that the Passionist fathers were at a parish in town, so I called them. I had nearly entered the Passionist Monastery in Erlanger, KY, before marrying.

When we moved here 22 years ago, I was wearing a Passion Sign cross medallion. Somewhere along the line, i came back to the Dominicans.

Since becoming a Mom, I was more concerned about my attitude rather than clothing. When I started the foundation of one congregation, I was wearing light blue and white. Now it’s royal blue and white. I wear street clothes during the week.

Mrs Cloisters OP
Lay Dominican
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This will depend on the order. And whether the option of taking vows is available.
These vows are poverty , chastitry and obedience. Then there is the rule expected to be lived by, or written by the third order member.
Yes modest dress, spending can be ambiguous. If you were to spend a little more on a garment that will last, etc, economies of scale.
Its fine to dress well especially for big events like weddings.

Chose an order depending on the charism you are suited to.
Thanks all for the helpful replies.
Just to clarify, I didn’t ask because I was hoping to wear a habit or because I was planning to choose based on clothing rules.
I’m 90 percent sure at this point it will be OCDS if it’s anything, but I’m not ready yet.
Just trying to get an idea in the meantime of what’s required.
Their process should require a period of aspirancy. They should certainly encourage potential members to come and join in a few of their activities.
My order regards everyone, be they laity or religious as Monks. However only the religious wear the habit.
I’d note I also have read up on the aspirancy process etc. I just had a question about clothing as that was not explicitly discussed on any of the sites I read.
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