Question for Computer Geeks!

  • Thread starter Thread starter JamalChristophr
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So, I have a very good laptop. It’s new. It’s got the best processor. But when I’m (name removed by moderator)utting on the Internet, typing and mouse, it seems to be unresponsive for a few seconds from time to time. (usually at least one time per every 4 hours or something) And then it comes back to life, to some degree displaying a portion of the keystrokes I made while it was in it’s short unresponsive state). I think the mouse fails to move as well. Can’t remember now.

What is going on here? Any ideas?
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Need more information. Actually, I’m going to go to bed soon so I can get up bright and early. What kind of computer is it? Is it windows or Apple? If it is Windows, which Windows is it?
Windows 10, I guess. I got it this summer so I suppose it’s out dated already. 😃 I think maybe my other laptop did this, too, however. Can’t remember for sure.
Maybe it’s just something running in the background. I never did look at the task manager.
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It might be the anti-virus-protection. A quick internet search seems to throw out all sort of possible causes. It’s just mainly, annoying.
I probably just need to uninstall Mcafee. It’s out of date, anyways.
I’m not sure what’s going on, but you can try updating all your drivers. You know it’s interesting, I’m actually having computer problems, my laptop probably around a year old, and I can’t get it to start up. I can do a factory reset, and there is a way to have the files, but I need to save them first, and I need to find my USB drive to do that. Personally, I think I was sold a defective laptop.
Well, that kind of sucks. Sorry you’re having troubles.

My problem isn’t really worth worrying about. I just don’t like it very much.

I would call tech support before you do a factory reset.
That would be a great idea, but the warranty is expired. I was having trouble with it the moment I got it, but it wasn’t anything serious and I didn’t even think of it, like for instance, the fan has never worked on it.
Yikes. I hope you are wrong about the fan. Some are just very quiet. A chronically over heated computer is not good…very bad!!
Hi @JamalChristophr,

I just saw your thread/posts about your laptop, and what has been happening with it.

I understand your frustration…

Sometimes I know that software that we add on can cause it to slow down or act up. I know that happens to my Chromebook.

I use an ad blocker, and while it helps, it also causes it to act “choppy” when I’m trying to use the scroll bar. It took me awhile to figure that out. It happens on every single website that I’m on.

If I haven’t cleaned out my cookies and my search history for awhile, I’ll have this strange kind of “lag time” with my typing, where I will be typing, but the characters will lag behind with what I am trying to type.

Sometimes you just kind of find these things out “by accident.”

The only things that I can think of, would be to take care of your basic maintenance if you haven’t, and see if that helps–clean out your cookies and your history–and then see if you added on any programs when this started happening, or if there’s a particular website that you visit, that may be causing this to happen, too. 🙂
Thanks, It’s not really much at all to complain about. I was just more curious as to what’s making it behave that way than anything. There are a few experienced computer persons on the forum, but they never chimed in. 🙂 Blessed Advent to you!!
You’re welcome. 🙂

I was just trying to throw some ideas out there for you, with some different things that I have experienced myself.

I hope that you can figure it out.

From my own experience, it can be anything…Yeah…like that’s helpful to you! LOL!! 😉 :crazy_face:

A most blessed Advent season to you, too!

God bless you! 🙂
It hasn’t done that in a couple days, I think. It might be that microsoft hates google chrome so they don’t care much about little quirks like that. Microsoft has their own browser, you know.
Yes, I know.

I got tired of trouble-shooting Windows issues on our old desktop.

That’s why I use a Chromebook now. It’s “all Google, all the time,” as I like to say. 😉

We still have my husband’s Window’s 8 laptop though, that I need to work on.

It won’t connect to our router to maintain an Internet connection. I just haven’t gotten around to figuring it out, with everything else that I’m trying to get caught up with around here…

One of these days I’ll get around to it.

He called our Internet provider and they got it to connect back when it was starting to act up, but then it kept disconnecting again, so I want to check it out and see if I can figure out what’s wrong with it.

They were saying that it’s something wrong on our end, but I think that it’s something with his laptop itself, since at the time, our other computer was connecting without a problem.

Anyway…that’s a project waiting for me to work on.
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