Why did you convert to the Catholic Church? Did you have a big “ah ha!” moment, or was it alot of seeds planted and watered over the years? What were your biggest fears/hangups in the process of converting (ie, my family will think I’m crazy, I don’t really agree with this specific doctrine, etc…)? Did you go through RCIA more than once?
I’ll post my full story later, as I don’t really have enough time to post it entirely, but I’ll go ahead and answer a few of the questions. I had many, many seeds planted over the years, including one situation when I was still very non-Catholic in 2005. This friend almost died after a drug overdose, and yet still lived, yet in a comatose state… some doctors even suggested that he was brain dead and there was nothing more to be done. I had the biggest urge every time I passed by St. Therese Church to go in and pray, but I didn’t know why. One day, I actually did, and I knew after I got done my friend would be fine. A week later he emerged from his coma. My biggest fear in converting was what my family (parents specifically, but also the people where I attended church with for my whole life up to that point) would think, that they might feel as if I were abandoning them. It took me another 2 years to get past that.
I guess my hope for this thread is to encourage anyone who is in the process of converting or even just reading and studying about the Catholic Church. I myself assumed erronously that once I made the decision to join 3 years ago it would be pretty straight forward, but I joined May of 08, quite a bit of time after I came to the decision. In reading others conversion stories, it gave me great hope that I, too, would one day cross the Tiber.
This thread is also for the stories of those who are in the process of converting, either by being in RCIA at this time, or just even thinking seriously about it.
God Bless!
I’ll post my full story later, as I don’t really have enough time to post it entirely, but I’ll go ahead and answer a few of the questions. I had many, many seeds planted over the years, including one situation when I was still very non-Catholic in 2005. This friend almost died after a drug overdose, and yet still lived, yet in a comatose state… some doctors even suggested that he was brain dead and there was nothing more to be done. I had the biggest urge every time I passed by St. Therese Church to go in and pray, but I didn’t know why. One day, I actually did, and I knew after I got done my friend would be fine. A week later he emerged from his coma. My biggest fear in converting was what my family (parents specifically, but also the people where I attended church with for my whole life up to that point) would think, that they might feel as if I were abandoning them. It took me another 2 years to get past that.
I guess my hope for this thread is to encourage anyone who is in the process of converting or even just reading and studying about the Catholic Church. I myself assumed erronously that once I made the decision to join 3 years ago it would be pretty straight forward, but I joined May of 08, quite a bit of time after I came to the decision. In reading others conversion stories, it gave me great hope that I, too, would one day cross the Tiber.
This thread is also for the stories of those who are in the process of converting, either by being in RCIA at this time, or just even thinking seriously about it.
God Bless!