I’ve been going through the (many, many) evolution debate threads on this forum - the historicity of the bible is a big question for me, as I’m exploring my faith and trying to weigh things out in my mind.
My question doesn’t involve the validity of evolution versus creationism, mind you - I personally believe evolution and an old earth to be correct, though I’m not an expert by any means. But, I’ve seen some very spirited, articulate defenses of evolution by people who consider themselves to be faithful Catholics. What I’d really like is to hear them explain how/why they view evolution as compatible with Catholic belief - how they interpret or understand the relevant portions of the bible in a world where evolution is factual.
It’s a broad question, I know. But I would really appreciate hearing thoughts about this - like I said, I’ve been struggling with some concepts of God, faith, religion, afterlife… this is one of the weightier questions I have, and really look forward to responses.
Thank you.
My question doesn’t involve the validity of evolution versus creationism, mind you - I personally believe evolution and an old earth to be correct, though I’m not an expert by any means. But, I’ve seen some very spirited, articulate defenses of evolution by people who consider themselves to be faithful Catholics. What I’d really like is to hear them explain how/why they view evolution as compatible with Catholic belief - how they interpret or understand the relevant portions of the bible in a world where evolution is factual.
It’s a broad question, I know. But I would really appreciate hearing thoughts about this - like I said, I’ve been struggling with some concepts of God, faith, religion, afterlife… this is one of the weightier questions I have, and really look forward to responses.
Thank you.